
What exactly do you eat day to day?

Europeans won’t riot for Black Friday, but I guess they will for Nutella.

Literally literally means not literally, and it makes me upset too.

In theory yes, but paper laws only prevent so much. I mean if we can’t stop people from eating Tide pods, what hope do we have? Almost anything COULD be dangerous if abused in high amounts. There should be a point where we educate rather than regulate. That... or let natural selection take its course.

Check out that “Owata” game. Like the above but players like megaman.

My money is on the usual statement from Tesla basically saying, “Logs confirmed that the pedal was pressed x% at the time of the crash, and the driver was at fault.”

Potato chips inside a sandwich is still a favorite of mine. Especially great if you packed a sandwich in the morning and everything inside it has started losing its crunch.

I had a bottle of real vanilla extract and it’s more expensive than it should be :/. It started drying out a little so I topped it up with some captain morgan black. Stuff already has a vanilla aroma anyways.

I don’t think it’s the smart phones themselves causing the issue, I think it’s the self exposure to the media, and the media’s bias towards reporting stuff about how everyone’s lives sucks. I sware the news is just a reminder that regardless of race, gender, or religion, you are being lumped into some group, and

Other games.

I’m all for equal opportunity, but I don’t think “no one knows why” defaulting to “racism” is helping the overall image.

“The cheddar biscuits that are never ending, are lighter and flakier than your breadsticks will ever be.”

About the same value paper money has.

How dare they drag WaLuigi’s good name through the dirt like that. This is fake news!

Yeah that sucks but it’s just math. Either increase the cost of the burgers to pay the increased wages, or reduce the operating costs so that there can be the increase.

The same issue happened recently here in Ontario Canada with Tim Horton’s with the minimum wage being moved up by about 30% in the new year to

Plat is needed for some important stuff but can usually wait. Mostly frame slots and weapon slots... and fashion. Easiest way to scrape by is to level up the syndicates and sell the syndicate unique weapons to other people for plat.

“a video game about robot gymnasts who spend all their money on clothes”
Yup. That’s fair.

I just have a hard time believing that anyone would do this on purpose, and for what?

The “Komodo 3000"

feel like the way to stop him from becoming bigger is to stop talking about him. I’m sure this article isn’t hurting him. Like they say, no such thing as bad publicity.