
Go outside or spend some money. If you’re trying to be a pokemon master solely from the seat of your toilet, you are doing it wrong.

Always more/better paste! It’s too cheap and important not to IMO

I assumed college is more expensive for the poorer folks because they’re spending tens of thousands that they don’t have, often learning skills with no job perspectives, and then letting their debt grow with interest due to lack of proper payments, resulting in a cost that’s well over what someone who could afford

The point is the end opposite the handle.

Usually rectangular bars for me.

they should outlaw potatos

I feel like what people wanted was another Mega Man. A shameless 1:1 copy of the formula, a few new shiny weapons, and a rockin’ sound track. I’m sure this game is fine, but if I were going into this expecting Mega Man and getting this, I’d be kinda “meh”...

“Burger King Thinks Mac N’ Cheetos Is Something You Might Eat”

I’m not an American.

You just keep on truckin’ wet floor sign, you’re doing great!

Just saying, several stock Nerf guns already shoot over 40MPH

You’re a wizard, Harry!

I can’t imagine anything else that a financial planner would tell you to do first.

“Is This a Time Traveler at a Mike Tyson Fight in 1995?”


Lizard squad DDOS of Sony? I strongly disagree about it not hurting the company.


So, what you’re saying is that virtual Trump managed to get all of the players that came to the area (migrated but not “legally” if you will) off of the property, and is now keeping more players not legally allowed there out by putting up a “wall” at the border of their property?

Added bonus. Mosquito larvae make excellent protein for pet fish.

Make anime great again!