
You could probably just change the camera position in the game so that the camera is facing up instead of remounting your head. Probably safer.

Warframe and POE. Both have updates today :P

In a world where changing a slogan directed at one race, to one that applies to all races is an act of racism...

Unrelated: I had to read the title of this post about 8 times before i could figure out what it meant.

I wonder how much of it was with the car actually moving. Does the odometer measure distance when tires are spinning on ice while the car is stuck?

Could have sworn I saw this posted ages ago. Must be deja vu.

Can bikes just be like EMP’d or something before a race? They’re not supposed to have any electronics at all right?

Probably. Just that though. The rest of the stuff is probably fine.

Makes me want to boot up some front mission on the good old SNES.

“Love takes everyone by surprise, I think.”
There’s one other thing I can immediately think of that also does that.

I’m dumb. I don’t get it. Can someone explain this to me?

Wow. “Tens of thousands”over 8 years? Interplay must really be in the pooper if they haven’t been able to make payments of what would equate to be significantly less than minimum wage for a single employee annually...

This quote is probably why it’s $599

That feel... when watching this video and knowing my monitor will never show me all of the pixels.

I guess I should pick up a new 3DS from Canada’s amazon. It’s 205 CAD, which right now is equal to 150 USD.

I guess I should pick up a new 3DS from Canada’s amazon. It’s 205 CAD, which right now is equal to 150 USD.

TLDR version:

I would guess he means that him visiting a shooting range won’t kill your daughter, but you’re just taking a reverse view of whats said in a much more morbid way. I have extreme doubts that he (or anyone) would actually say what you’re saying he said, but there are some messed up people in this world. I could be wrong.

Yes, because no one has used cocain since it was banned in 1914 :|

Which is the point GELLA - LLAP made. Have you ever heard of anyone having a banned drug? The idea being that if you ban something, it doesn’t make that thing just vanish.