Umrguy42: Add $5 for shipping and handling

I mean, the only way PSX backwards compatibility is being ‘worked on’ in any capacity is a new classics program. The PlayStation 4's optical drive is incapable of reading CD-ROMs and I’d expect the PlayStation 5 follows suit. PlayStation 2 and 3 are a different story in so much as software-based emulation is possible

He needs to fly over there and meet them in person.

So what you’re saying is the vehicle doesn’t have the necessary hardware and software to safely operate in a semi-autonomously mode, yet Tesla still allows that feature (which is marketed as “Auto Pilot”) to still be used?

The tech doesn’t matter here because the system, even if it was the absolute latest, is still a level 2 semi-autonomous system and that simply does not work well with how people actually work. Vigilance tasks like this are not compatible with the need for split-second decision making. This isn’t just me saying this;

You’re disregarding product liability law in the United States. Manufacturers and designers of any and all products are required, by law, to design for foreseeable use and foreseeable misuse. Nearly all of these accidents are foreseeable. Hell, when people are tweeting the owner of the company showing misuse, and he

Simply driving the car is safer and easier than monitoring Autopilot, trying to determine when and how it will fail, then trying to take back control before it crashes. How is that an improvement?

Free clue: the NTSB is the one that said Tesla sensors are incapable of detecting a tractor trailer crossing a divided highway. And since a Tesla on autopilot has driven under another such trailer crossing a divided highway when the driver wasn’t paying attention, they just might have a point.

In my experience, Tesla sales people have been trained or indoctrinated to make the customer believe that the only barrier to the cars driving themselves is government regulation. Delusion is baked in to the brand’s DNA.

Deep cut

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Check the NTSB recommendations after the first fatal accident in FL that Tesla has to date ignored. The inability of the sensors to detect a variety of objects is noted there.

we are much better with Autopilot and other level 2 systems on average. Cause many of us can use these systems responsibly just fine

This proves to me, at least, that the Tesla auto-pilot just ignores white cars and trucks as if they weren’t there. (check the other crashes)

You know... I always looked down on the “boring” 90s Toyota sedans. But a few months ago, right before the lockdowns started, I bought a 1995 Corolla 5 speed, dinged-up and needing a little work but good running, for $500. I’ve put another $300 or so in it in miscellaneous repairs, and absolutely fallen in love with

If you’ve come here looking for people to balance out your decision... you’re in the wrong place. I FULLY 100% SUPPORT THIS PURCHASE!

This should be part of his road trip.  

Mom. Dad, come quick I think it really is the end of the world this time!!!”

The irony of them having a Wheel Of Fortune sound effect as their doorbell tone is strong with this one.

The last 12 seconds of the video are some big 2020 vibes.

Damn tires, interrupting my dinner, asking if I’ve heard the Goodyear news.