Umrguy42: Add $5 for shipping and handling

Wikipedia doesn’t specifically say, but if I remember “Air Disasters” correctly, I want to say that the repeated short hops helped accelerate the timeline for the fatigue cracks that caused the Aloha Airlines Flight 243 disaster...

It might be a bit of a stretch from a legal standpoint but if you find the right judge or jury, they might be able to make the charges stick.

To nitpick, Trump could pardon him right now for any Federal offenses committed during this, and the guy could never be charged.

I’m hearing this in Dan Akroyd’s SNL “Bass-o-matic” pitchman voice...

Meh, nothing beats Jardiance’s “life-threatening taint infection.”

Hmm, I should look into the filter stuff at least. My old Corolla isn’t so bad when it’s just me, but add my kid to the car on the way to school, and I’ve gotta run the defrost at near full-blast to keep the fog down any more.

This one does ;)

What’s worse is, there may still be enough deluded bozos out there (including amongst my friends and family) to put him back on the ticket.

This is an important limitation to point out, as G-type stars remain the only kind of star known to harbor life.

Just so you know for next time, a lot of these video call clients now will put a temporary highlight around the ‘tile’ for someone when there’s audio to help show they were ‘speaking’. Big enough call, may not make a difference, but smaller meetings, somebody might notice that your tile lit up...

YouTube, a wretched hive of scum and villainy disinformation and conspiracy theory bullshit?

Just do what I did - get a kid who does nothing but watch Minecraft and gaming related videos all day, they’ll clog up that feed so fast, it won’t be a problem!

The slide projected that a prototype would need to pass 28,778 test cases for those road scenarios

True, but with the steam(?) coming out in that last video, I don’t think it would’ve mattered how clean his vehicle looked...

My local BK is basically across the street from both McDonald’s and Taco Bell, with a Subway and a Little Caesar’s just down the street. Used to be a Pizza Hut (express? the delivery/takeout only style one) behind it, too. So I can be sitting in the BK drive thru and still “near” the competition :D

(Hey, liberal arts colleges should merge with mining schools. Or not.)

The aliens, whom travel the vast expanse of the galaxy, were certainly smart enough to want to communicate with us but apparently weren’t smart enough to do so (it require US getting smarter, as if our level of intelligence wasn’t nested within a higher intelligence).