Umrguy42: Add $5 for shipping and handling

I like it. Overly-broad ranges are the best ranges :P 

Same. Mine just finished 1st Grade, but still. Two years of Pre-K, one of K, one of 1st Grade... plenty of fevers, strep throat, and they were passing around viral pneumonia in a few cases last fall...

I mean, maybe it’s good to test that your weapons still actually fire every so often? I can see the purpose (for like the missiles and stuff, at least) as target practice, i.e., making sure your people can at least hit the broad side of a barn with the ‘fancy’ stuff, rather than being concerned with “did it actually

And a fake one, at that!

All true. Mind you, those volumes are still significantly larger than 375 or 750 or whatever liters. And it wouldn’t even be on a yearly basis, if you use the 2.5 million liters volume and 375 liters of tritium per day, it’d take 18+ years to fill ONE pool.

This doesn’t necessarily disprove your point that it’s a lot of tritium needed, but my in-the-head calculations with simplifications and rounding up (better to overestimate?), I get like, 450kg of tritium per day [300g * (1.1million MW / 800MW)]. I don’t know if that qualifies as “a lot of olympic sized swimming

He actually said very elderly. I share your pain.

And anyway, once it got started, you knew you went to IMDB to try and find out anyway.

I think the other part is, they can add in the same kinds of rotational experience you get from this kind of ride:

Frankly, I expect big talk of “masks required!” from Wal-mart, and the reality will be closer to what I saw the other evening- a dude outside handing out masks to people who need them, then absolutely NO ‘enforcement’ inside of people wearing them, let alone wearing them correctly and covering their damn noses.

Yeah, I can’t remember if I ever got sound the few times I tried it either with a Dell Win7. My problem is that, after I put in an HDMI switch (cuz all the ports were in use), the laptop ‘sees’ that it’s connected, but there’s no video that comes through to the TV. Not sure if it’s a Windows or a switch issue.

Yeah, I’d forgotten that I have access to Celestron’s downloadable software on PC cuz my telescope is one of theirs.

What do people recommend as the best Android equivalent for SkyView (since that appears to be iOS only)?

Serious question - what kind of effect will this extra reflectivity have on the surroundings now having more light/infrared energy reflected on them? I mean, I’m assuming it won’t be as bad as London’s “death ray skyscraper” a few years ago, but if say a tight row of houses, or stores, are all painted in this, would

Roddenberry was a product of his time and though his vision gifted something of wonder to the world, he was messy in its execution.

Yeah, 2016 began a friend of mine’s “celebripocalypse” hashtag that continues to this day.

Am I recalling correctly, wasn’t there originally supposed to be a conflict with the Big Sight between this year’s summer Comiket and the Olympics? If so, are they not worried about re-running into the same conflict pushing everything off a year?

Serious talk - I’d love to see more enforcement of “lights on when wipers required” - I had too many people with no lights on behind me in a pouring rainstorm this weekend on the interstate, who were effectively disappearing into the rain and spray, which was a real concern when I was slowing down to handle the

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