Umrguy42: Add $5 for shipping and handling

Moon Patrol! (2?)

in some cases it felt like I was watching a play on a stage instead of a TV movie

Although Chani’s costume from the very end of the series there (the picture below Irulan’s butterflies), she’s clearly borrowed from the Time Lords.

I can’t remember if it’s the unrated version, or just like an extended version, but many, many years ago, I found the first mini-series on DVD at Blockbuster (in their new sales racks, which were always hit-or-miss). It’s one of those goofy boxes with like the cardboard covers and the individual plastic inners for

I bought a 70mm refracting telescope last fall. I tried to use it in like, December or January on a cold clear night to show my son’s Cub Scout den the moon, but I couldn’t get it focused properly. I took it out again this past weekend on Saturday, for the full moon. I couldn’t get the clamp for the cellphone set up

My 8 year old generates paper scraps like nobody’s business.

There’s also still a possibility, albeit slim, that either the US DoD or one of the big US cargo companies under DoD contract places a last minute order as there are currently no other planes in production anywhere in the world that can transport our larger equipment.

Raises an interesting question of which one is actually worse during the pandemic - is it the ~3% of people who now wrongly** believe they’ve already had it and are “safe” (but could go out and catch it and spread it), or the 1-in-3 people (34%) who wrongly believe they *haven’t* had it, and are either in fear of

Hell, the idea in “All Good Things...” of future Picard having had a relationship with Crusher (can’t remember if they actually got married or not), and then them breaking up, was very believable.

Sportsball from a few years ago, but still my personal favorite that I’ve seen:

Everything about cosmic scale and/or time frames is messed up

Emphasis on “dead”.

Now playing

Wait, you mean to tell me that this scene wasn’t realistic? You’ve totally shattered my worldview!

I said above, my 2003 LE Corolla with aluminum alloy wheels (I think most were still steelies at the time) and the ‘nicer’ stereo package at least was $16,007 to me out the door.

I bought my Corolla in ‘03 (as an ‘03 model). One of the things I liked (or came to like) was that I felt like I was sitting up higher than the Honda Civic (which my college roommate had, and I’d gotten to drive a few times, and cross-shopped the Corolla with). I mean, you feel the wind more as a result, but even now,

Some of the cars that people are most enthusiastic about are the least reliable ones.”

You haven’t lived unless you’ve drunkenly AIMed. ;p (Just with a friend one time, not like a crush or ex or anything, but I did get to a point where I apparently lost the thread of what I was doing and just sorta... stopped, mid message?, and went to bed/passed out.)