Hey man, what did cheap beer and an amusing yard game ever do to you? You don’t have to drag their names through the mud with all this KA and Nazi talk.
Hey man, what did cheap beer and an amusing yard game ever do to you? You don’t have to drag their names through the mud with all this KA and Nazi talk.
This made me cry. Giannis strikes again!
So, punitive damages are a legitimate, albeit usually severely limited, category of damages you can recover in a civil lawsuit. The definition changes from state to state, but it’s usually statutorily defined something along the lines of “to punish or deter” things like fraud and actual malice. That “lesson they’ll…
Just what the fucking fuck?
I don’t want to step on any toes here, but I’m not sure Kinja is the most direct way to communicate with your coach.
Thanks for engaging!
There are a lot of very good criticisms of the common law system, but I think you need to flesh this one out some more because it doesn’t track.
I don’t know that I would call it “dumb.” There’s just a very limited set of circumstances where rape is a federal crime. Those types of crimes have historically been left to the states.
Art is working on a response right now, but he’s having trouble getting the double-wink and finger-gun motion to translate into the typed statement.
Be safe, brother. That’s my kin out there, too.
Well, you just wait a minute now. Can we at least agree that Texas is GREAT at giving bigots to the world? One of the best. Many people think this.
Grew up with Chris. Checks out.
The Warriors really are impressive. I didn’t know they were out here playing three on five.
I immediately wondered if maybe it was perspective — Does Colangelo just have a short neck and a small head? In comparison to Bosh, an objectively large human, no obvious size difference, so having ruled that out, it’s clear...
The Warriors do both. They look like they’re having fun sometimes, AND they shit talk sometimes. But they only shit talk when they’re up by a ton.
I tracked this monster for almost eight months. He was a ghost. No habits, no routines. Not even once did I come close to catching this nameless, inscrutable thing. I even switched bathrooms in the buildings once the search began to consume my day.
Dude in my old office used to do this in the back right corner of the handicapped stall. He didn’t pick his up, though, and always left a neatly folded triangular pyramid of paper on top. This always threw me off because the bottom paper was a wreck, then there’s the shit, of course, and then this meticulously folded…
Diptheria. Although there is a vaccine and treatment, it is still relatively deadly in developing countries due to misdiagnosis of its initial milder symptoms and because it is a vicious fucking killer. Kept me up at night during allergy season for years afterwards.
All of the stars.
These posts have absolutely made my day. I was a little unmotivated this morning, but seeing you break down the games of the Rockets, theme here, pro surfing, mental torture and craft beers so succinctly has really reinvigorated me. God’s work, amigo. God’s work.