Okay NOW Irony’s dead.
This isn’t about revenge; it’s about using the defamation laws to tamp down on conspiracy websites that incite violence towards innocent civilians. Fear of litigation will have an effect on Jones and his ilk’s ability to just make shit up and hurt people.
Amen. And the Newtown families who had to listen to Jones say that their dead children were child actors who were faking being dead.
That’s all well and good and can be happening simultaneously to this, but that could also take decades to effect change. Shutting Alex jones the fuck up will move much faster.
The answer to your question is yes. This is Alex “False Flag Illuminati Soros Lizard People Gay Frog Fluoride” Jones we’re talking about.
Look, Alefantis’s life and business have been ruined by this completely unfounded rumor, which even now Jones is attempting to keep on a respirator. (“He said he relied on two reporters who are gone - probably Clinton victims!”)
I think Alex Jones down is for the greater good.
Revenge? Alex Jones is literally ruining lives by broadcasting his unhinged conspiracy theories to millions of people. The amount of harassment that was directed at Alefantis and the staff of his restaurant is staggering. Suing Alex Jones into oblivion wouldn’t be vengeful, it would be just. He shouldn’t be…
Hogan’s sex tape never led to attempted murder. A lawsuit would be so much more justified in this case. How the fuck does getting “science-minded folks” on the local Planning Board deter these right wingers from continuing to slander and libel innocent citizens and businesses? Your concern trolling is lame.
Agreed! I’m cautiously optimistic given how Lupita’s career kind of flatlined after her Oscar win, but I’m hoping these guys see success long after Moonlight as well. (And I hope Lupita gets a meaty role again!)
Another slave themed project. I am sure it will be great, but...ugh.
But they are for the people because they are, you know, white.
Bannon and Cruz both have Harvard degrees :/ Just sayin’
He won’t as he is too qualified. That is not how it works anymore. Those degrees from Harvard are too elitist. He is not a man of the people. You know, morons.
Tangentially related, Tom Price’s seat in Georgia’s 6th district is up for grabs and I’m doing my best to help Jon Ossoff win. He has the endorsement of living legend John Lewis, and actually has a chance to flip the district.
Here’s my surprised face. -_-
Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop
There is a difference, he asked for assistance, the way Trump phrased it sounded less like helping someone out and more like hostile takeover.