
Greatest sports film of all time is Rocky. I mean, everything is there.

And to think, Secretary Clinton and #42 would have been there stealing balloons and joking with the kids and making them happy and having a good time themselves.

*Open dictionary*

Why the fuck would they cave on SCOTUS. SCOTUS!!!!

Complicit is all this bitch is. She gave herself away in that quote. She is not as smart as she thinks she is and jail cannot come fast enough for her.

Damn it, you beat me to it.

Ummmm, sure Jan.

This has Pence’s cum all over it. He keeps a distance from Colby Jack my asshole.

Wow, those reviews are just as pretentious as that trailer. Jeez. Take your trolling somewhere else.

In a vat of Purell. He realized that he touched a woman over 30.

So I have to buy the magazine to see all the photos. Well played Martha, you original hustler.

They had 7 years to work on this. So this tells me something; they were banking on HRC winning the election. They would have rode bitching about ACA for at least 4 years as they never had a plan to repeal. They were going to do nothing but pay hateful lip service from then on out. The fact that Paul Ryan is a

My Rep’s secretary was only a smidge better. I was basically cut off and told he was against it but did not answer whether he will VOTE against it.

And I also read that international students applying to colleges/attending here has dropped more than 33% as well. The reprocussons are now becoming defining.

I went to one last year and it was the best money decision I have ever made. When I went to my bank to officially close my account, they said I would be back. Arrogant fuckers.

I know what you mean about Handler. God damn it to hell she is growing on me.

White man is pissed that non whites not only have to audacity to talk back, but the right to vote and some have money that can effect the bottom line. This clown really though that was never to him or any white man.

Another slave themed project. I am sure it will be great, but...ugh.

While I am excited that more people are seeing this film, it what happens after Moonlight that matters. Success needs to come for Tarrell, Barry, Trevante, Ashton and Alex. They need to be getting La La Land money and promotion for their future projects and studios need everyone talking about them and make sure asses