
You need to acknowledge the very salient point here. Come on. White women do not show up for their black sisters. They need to start doing that.

What the hell would a piece of tree do there? You should have dropped a hot fucking load of shit! She would have said yes.

Either he’s a really bad winner, which would be no surprise, or he’s downright FURIOUS at her, every step of the way thinking, “Dammit, YOU were supposed to win! Why the hell am I stuck doing this crap!”

This is going to be the worst season of ‘The West Wing’ ever.

and quite possibly that autism is getting easier to diagnose. We’re able to recognize the signs at a younger age. And able to sort the condition into a spectrum. So instead of 40 years ago, your kid being a bookworm with issues with other people, she/he could be someone on the spectrum.

This stops now. Time to mobilize. If you haven’t already seen it check this out. It is a guide on how to effectively lobby congress. Your reproductive health demands it.

“Dear Donald,

Used too much teeth on the blowjob, huh Rudy?

This means nothing. EP credits are like empty chairs on Trump construction sites.

Who’s his choice to head the EEOC? Bill Cosby?

Great, another entry in the White Ethnic Miserablist Canon that I can happily avoid. I hope Moonlight wins every goddamn thing.

Someone is getting taken to Shade Court.

The next four years are about to be exhausting aren’t they? There’s already severe Trump fatigue and they’re not even in office yet.

This isn’t the way I’d hoped to justify my endless 29th birthdays.

They grow up so fast, don’t they? Soon they’ll be buying his way into Harvard so he can follow in daddy’s footsteps.

Oh, and y’all concern trolls can take your cries of “hypocrisy” and see if they protect you when Trump’s brownshirts have you up against the wall. Like, really, save it. People out here trying every legal way to prevent fascism and you’re tone policing and concern trolling about “optics.”

Wow, people. Conspiracy theories, much? Instead of jumping to all these risible conclusions, why not join me on Planet Reality, and consider the obvious and logical reason.

I think you’re spot on. When he first entered the race I was convinced it was a joke - he was doing it for the attention and bravado. I think the more he attention he received the more he ran with it and just couldn’t ever find the out.

What I’m doing right now:

It’s not my job to accept gracefully a man who traumatized me. I’m pretty much done with that. I’ve been accepting to heal my whole damned life.