
I adore her now. Adore, adore, adore. And yup, have a major crush.

Yet, George Micheal has died. What the hell 2016.

So I will get the alert of her passing sometime in the early A.M.

Have they been extreme? I mean, gone out of there way to support rights getting taken away from gay people, women and minorities. I know Sinise has strong ties to helping military families and Selleck is a NRA supporter. Is there something else I am missing because I cannot see them up and supporting Casino Cheeto.

I ended things with a friend who was a Trump supporter. It was not as polite but they were arrogant enough to think they ended things first.

So he is just surrounding himself with people with the kind of money he wish like hell he had. Okay.

It seems that way. They have a 1% group that always hang together.

No. She is friends with Rupert Murdoch and that is how she knew Wendi. Either way, her people need to tell her what to do because none of this shit looks good. Hell, it did not with Murdoch.

As a Midwestern resident, it will not happen. A good bulk of them voted for this toxicity.

So the fucker Affleck is going to go through awards season looking like a unkempt hipster and no one will call him on his shit. If he was a she, there would be a crucifixion.

You do not need Daredevil. But strongly suggest Jessica Jones.

Well, POTUS is a public service position when you look at it. The difference is, they really cannot cut his position or income.

Oh, Scott. No.

Of course he would have done things differently. He thought Casino Cheeto was just going to come in and get him out of jail and that him for his brave service answer getting to the bottom of this thing. Jail, jail is for black and brown people.

Donald O’Conner performance of Make Em Laugh is the best performance every put to celluloid. Others have tried and failed.

Leave it to ET not knowing what words mean.

I think it is because this is the first time they are truly reading about the shit and the dangerous people he is nominating. So instead of finally seeing for what it is, being completely ill-informed to stick it to minorities, they will double down on those Liberals, who knew he was shit and more importantly,

That should not have made me laugh so much as it should have. And now there are tears of the possibility.

Now now, that 50 percent that stayed home were not all Bernie or busters. They were also the ‘Both candidates are equally evil and I cannot in good conscience vote for either’ group as well. Spread the love Kurt.

There are non politician  D.C. residents and I would not wish a riot on them.