With this asshole taking over HUD, that will be moot. He wants to get rid of all discrimination regulations.
With this asshole taking over HUD, that will be moot. He wants to get rid of all discrimination regulations.
Yep. As a black, educated woman with a solid work and rental history. I will never find another place to live because all I am is a black woman so I can suck it.
Anything that blows up in this dickheads face gives me a wonderful feeling through my body with black skin. YAY!!!!
I was on vacation. I voted and high tailed it to the airport. I was in Europe and lost eight hours and when I woke up on my flight, I just knew. I was in tears. Then I turned on my phone and my news threads popped up. I had to sit there while everyone else departed. I was in tears and just sad. I was so ashamed of my…
You know, if this was happening has him running his ‘businesses’ and not in a position of politics, I would say this fucker deserves everything he is going to get.
The D.A. and Judge will shut that shit down. They do not want the wrong attention bought to this case. At least, one hopes.
You get all the stars, Judas. All the stars.
Carson has already said that he will lift discrimination regulations for HUD. I have never seen a black man hate fellow black people more than him. Fuck you, Carson.
Good in theory, but all three of those kids are a dead ringer for Papa Jared. He cannot deny any of them.
Madam Secretary. That was her last government position.
I am currently out of the country on a trip and the people here have nothing going but sympathy for me. I cried in front of one them and they were very compassionate, not telling me as a black woman to be brave and strong, they truly feel for me, and I am a total stranger.
You get all the stars. 100% correct. The fact that this happened to HRC hurts. The loss to a viable opponent would have been fine, but she had her career end like this.
Then Paul Ryan is next in line. He is not a prize.
Have you seen the photos of the White staff that are floating around. It was heartbreaking because while it might now be Clinton, any viable Republican would have been fine with them and it would have been business as usual. Look up the photos. Sad.
If his supporters or surrogates did not care how he treated women in the past, he will go ahead and trade her in for a younger model and they will not give a shit.
So Dad, your daughter was the target of a predator and now it is Clinton’s fault and you regret voting for her. You are an idiot and you anger is not where it should be.
Get it started. You will have my money.
How the fuck is Pat Robertson still alive. Are there strings that are making his mouth and hands move. I am not going to lie, it will be a glorious day when he finally keels over.