
I like that Zari acknowledged that Behrad was right about John being in over his head with the dark magic stuff

Or her fighting abilities.

I liked Astra-Zari-Spooner for the short time they had.

I hope (but don’t expect) to find out how Barry’s Gideon evolved into the sassy Gideon on the Waverider.

meta moment: Destiny is so last season 

Ava has no parents & has never been to a wedding! She should appreciate this

I will say this for Bishop, I will really enjoy it when Sara kills him again

Or you can say that the LoT showrunners learned from the other CW shows about not talking about their shit.

I thought this was Bishop’s best ep so far, anyway. It helps that he can bounce off other Legends.

I can’t believe you forgot!

Yeah, they kept saying “DNA” but his cloning system clearly had some method of transferring memories so I’m just assuming he swiped some of Sara’s from the system.

Why does Constatine feel like a better villain than Bishop in a matter of seconds. I just am not feeling Bishop as the big bad. 

Well, Bishop is the latest Arrowverse villain, like Morgan Edge, who sticks around so long that they become annoying (I’d like to punch him every time he starts singing) and you don’t care if they’re defeated, just as long as they go away. The only good villains have been Deathstroke, Luthor and Tobias Whale.

I am surprised at how fast Spooner has become one of my favorites, but she is cute, smart, resourceful, and violent, so why would I not love her.

Astra-Spooner and Ava-Zari 2.0 both are staring to almost rival Nate-Ray as adorable friendships on the show 

Matt Ryan is great as Constantine, but this episode does drive home if nothing else that Constantine is not good enough for any version of Zari 

I’m old enough to remember when this ship had an actual cell with a door and everything.

Ava should be too smart to fall for that, but credit to writers Phil Klemmer and Morgan Faust for ignoring the impulses of the Arrowverse and actually having two characters talk to each other about their feelings rather than bottling them up (a very welcome, if soapy, theme in this episode).

One interesting touch that may or may not actually mean anything: the “you” that Lou Reed is talking about in that song is heroin. So that’s something of a tie-in with Constantine’s story, and possibly more...or maybe they just picked a random “punky” song to throw into the scene, who knows.

I remain thoroughly uninterested in Bishop as a villain; he alternately bores and irritates me. I also much prefer Zari 1.0 to Zari 2.0, but Tala Ashe is fantastic in both roles and I hope she remains in them. The Constantine story remains very well-done, and Matt Ryan is doing a fantastic job (unsurprisingly).