I loved everything to do with Jake’s nemesis, serial killer Johnny Franzia, who taunts him with ridiculous playing card and puzzle related clues
Amy\s presentation was based on the knowledge they gained in the Blue Flu episode about the (lower) numbers of police on the street and how it affected crime and ongoing trials. the two episodes were very connected.
I loved Balancing. From the pilot, we were told that Jake needed to grow up. Tonight we saw him sacrifice one of the biggest moments of his career because Amy and Mac both came before that. I love that B99 let its characters grow.
The phrase is “pull himself up” not “pull himself”. The meaning is a bit different.
What If he got a hold of the Super Soldier Serum? He had Cap’s shield.
While his super-buff looks are out of sort, let’s keep in mind there was an ORIGINAL Cap shield in his weapons collection. Who’s today he didn’t get his hands on a few dozen vials of the Super Soldier Serum and decided to try it out?
Hit the nail on the head. Boseman acts so well with his face to express interior stae: showing hesitation, doubt, contemplation, etc... but to get that out of animation, it helps to consider that already in the character design. The style they’ve committed to for this series isn’t up to the task (I don’t think they’ve…
The on-going joke of people telling Thanos “That sounds like genocide” was hilarious.
What If, Kinja actually worked?
I felt like it was a nice callback to the fact that Boseman auditioned for Drax, but they felt he was too much like a king. It fit well into the presence that he seems to have had: it wasn’t so much that they picked the wrong kid, but that he completely changed the destiny of the Ravagers (and Thanos!) through his…
Is the impression that you got that Yondu told T’Challa that his home had been destroyed that same day? I definitely thought he left of his own free will, and it was only later when he started to get homesick that Yondu lied. Unless the idea was that he was too young to consent to leave, it’s not much different than…
Don’t think I appreciated just how great Karen Gillan’s voice is until this episode. I think she plays Nebula really well - kind of dangerous and mocking and confident and mysterious all at once.
I love Nebula’s new look
Bautista, who vocally proclaims his love for the character, but also talks about the difficulties of the make-up process, wasn’t even asked to participate in a format where he could play the character and not deal with the make-up??!
Agreed, it was a bit of an odd choice. With the way that the episode made a point to re-establish that the Wakanda force field renders the city invisible, you could have had Yondu genuinely believe that there’s nothing there, no place to return the kid to. If he found out the city still existed much later, but didn’t…
Corny as it is, couldn’t help but smile at “Are you crazy?” “No, I’m mad.”
He's listed in the opening and closing credits. My take would be he was either directed to be a bit less silly, or wasn't able to be quite as loose in a va recording booth.
I really didn’t think that was Del Toro voicing the collector because, as the review says, it’s a way more reserved performance than in the films, to the point where it felt like an imitation by an actor who knows Del Toro’s voice but doesn’t know this character. Also, I really didn’t buy this prissy antiques hoarder…