
I was thinking something similar, except instead of having the courage to talk to him and own up to it, she just needed to have the courage to accept what happened and not try to change anything 

Hey, it’s been a while! Kinja is so messed up, when I clicked on the comment you wrote to me, it won’t take me to it, so I’m replying here instead. Sometime last year G/O media or whatever they’re calling themselves now took down all the user run sub-sites, so no more Whitenoise or Hackerspace, or any of them.

I really enjoyed the finale but I'm very glad there's more episodes to explore what happens next.  At this point, I don't think Ella should ever find out because part of what makes her her is her faith, and you can't have faith if you know for a fact it's real, so I hope they don't take that away from her 

Wow, this exactly mirrors my opinion, even the part about staying to until 2am to finish watching it.  But only because I started late in the afternoon and paused to watch some live/recorded TV.

Oh wow, I didn't realize that was her.

There’s been acknowledgement on Black Lightning. In one of the recent episodes, Gambi tells Jefferson they’d need a device that’s only at Star Labs in Central City, at which point Jefferson says he knows someone there and he can get it to him “in a flash”, and next scene he’s got it. Which is about as much of a cross

For me, part of the surprise is that The CW is known as the network that pretty much renews everything, but the contracts all being 6 years and a majority of the cast not signing back up makes sense.

I’d also add Gus from Psych to the list. Works a regular boring job, pays his (and Shawn’s) bills, while also working as a detective and keeping up his nerdy interests.

Now playing

That was a great episode. And let’s not forget years before that he proved he can hang with Will’s friends.

I thought she looked familiar but I hadn't seen Bones in so long I didn't remember from where.

Even though the number of shirts ordered make it clear, you're not alone.  I also wasn't sure if it would work the way Gerry Conway intended, but I ordered the #2 shirt (at the time it hadn't hit the 50 order minimum, while the#3 that you ordered already had, and those were the two I was looking at), and at worst it

Also in Los Angeles county but just yesterday at a Ralph's I heard a woman saying "I don't care, I'm not wearing it anymore, they can kick me out if they want" and I can only hope they did and she complied.

Damn phone keyboard, that was supposed to say I hope they do come back.

I found Space Force to be very entertaining and enjoyable, even a few laugh out loud moments, particularly the space monkey episode, and there were even some heartfelt moments.  

I definitely hope they don't come back after how they ended season 1.

I was not prepared for what happened to Behrad, and I really hope angry-determined-Zari 2.0 is able to bring him back.  It was great seeing the 2 Zaris meet, and how protective Behrad was of his sister while she was still in the totem.  And Mick trying to add himself into his daughter's life, with Ava's help.  And

Ghengis mentions that he came back to life where he was buried, and it took him that long to dig himself out, but at least he got the cool sword.

Now playing

They did it so she could focus more on the directing (she specifically mentions it starting around 1:30).

I’m wondering the same about Black Lightning too, that seems like it would be the most impacted from suddenly being part of the same Earth as all these heroes that they only read about in comic books, especially with what’s happening in Freeland.

The CW’s spring season commences with the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, which airs its third episode on Arrow January 14.