Was hoping to see this in the comments, the fact it’s the only comment (not counting this reply) makes it even better.
Was hoping to see this in the comments, the fact it’s the only comment (not counting this reply) makes it even better.
I guess I don’t see the point in even selling the DVD on its own if it’s already included with the Blu-ray and now costs more.
I guess I don’t see the point in even selling the DVD on its own if it’s already included with the Blu-ray and now…
But that wouldn’t explain why the DVD version costs more than the Blu-ray.
But that wouldn’t explain why the DVD version costs more than the Blu-ray.
Yes, with the Blu-ray and the 4k set. You can also buy it digitally on iTUnes, Vudu and it’s included as an extra, and Google Play has a Logan+Noir version.
Yes, with the Blu-ray and the 4k set. You can also buy it digitally on iTUnes, Vudu and it’s included as an extra,…
What’s really weird is that the DVD is still listed for $14.96, and the DVD is included in the Blu-ray set.
What’s really weird is that the DVD is still listed for $14.96, and the DVD is included in the Blu-ray set.
Came here to say just that. My BiL took me on that hike and I had no problem going up, and the view was awesome, but going back down I could suddenly see those open spaces much more easily, and it was scary as shit. I ended up sitting on the side rail and just slowly sliding down on my butt with people passing me by…
Thank you for eating these so the rest of us don’t have to. I tried out the Root Beer and Orange Soda ones, and they weren’t bad but from the way these Jolly Ranchers sound, I think I’ll take another super long break from eating Pop Tarts.
Stores are already stocking up on their 4th of July product though, I saw these over the weekend at both Target and Ralph’s (a SoCal version of Kroger).
I’ve already seen other people mention this but I’m going to be one more.
There were actually a couple people holding signs but instead of writing they had a patch of vaseline on them that you could take.
I actually considered writing the exact words “bleeding nipples are real, and easily prevented with some vaseline”. First time it happened to me was when I took my training to 20 miles, and it was a cool morning. Although I didn’t notice when it was happening, only when I looked in the mirror after I got home.
The second rule is “just kidding, tell everyone you see as often as you can”.
Speaking of sunscreen, any “sports sunscreen” has a note that it’s water and sweat resistant but only for 80 minutes, and even the Kenyans aren’t finishing that fast. I remember one year I was spectating, a guy pulled over to some friends near mile 13 and they had more sunscreen to put on him.
Completely agree on that second point. After I ran my first marathon and everything stopped hurting, I found I was able to run a half marathon’s distance every weekend without having to go to sleep super early or do any of the other prep I needed to do for my first half.
I actually found relying on the hydration stations along the LA marathon route to be helpful, because then you’re not carrying as much that could weigh you down, however little. There’s stations with gatorade and water after each mile starting from 2, and some gu shots at miles 12 & 19. And beer around 22, that…
On one of those 3 or 4 days, try adding an extra mile each week. You don’t need to get all the way to 13 for training, 10 or 11 will probably be enough to then be able to do the rest on the actual day.
I compared notes with someone who ran it in 2013 and the chili cheese dog table was there back then, and the past 3 years so it’s safe to assume they were there in 2014 as well and will be back next year.