
“If I was rebooting a show with a flop first season, he’d be my pick”, much like the “Season 2 is when the show figures it out” line from earlier this season, was just fantastic. And, of course, Zari 1.0 coming back was just truly fantastic. Glad to see her hopefully sticking around for an episode or two.

Six episodes left, fifteen total for the season.

How many eps are left in the season?

Man, this episode was such a trippy good time. Also, it aired VERY close to my own birthday (Wednesday), so it made me doubly happy.

- I was kinda hoping the Legends team would semi-crossover with another CW show, like when they stumbled on the set of Supernatural. Maybe dropping in on a filming of Kung Fu. Either that, or time travel back to the mid-00's and drop in on them filming Stargate Atlantis since they borrowed their set for the spaceship.

The funniest part about “Bud Stuy” is that even though most all the cast has Canadian accents, it’s presumably supposed to be set in a unrealistically large New York apartment, like all good sitcoms are.

I’ve been thinking of them as contralto-Zari and soprano-Zari.

Sad Meta Moment: Zari 2.0 realizing that she’s “Zari 2.0" (at least in the hearts of some of the other crew members) after Sara slips and refers to Zari 1.0 as “Zari 1.0.” Props to Nate for identifying her sadness and working to alleviate it: “You’re my Zari too.”

Whelp, all the people who were predicting that Mick got Kayla pregnant had one thing correct.

Ava’s “Third largest metropolitan area in Canada!” pronouncement was great. God she’s such a magnificent nerd.

Please tell me they had actual Legends writers cameo for the Bud-Stuy writers’ room.

It could be?. The S5 premiere was set the day he was born so it at the very least those two episodes have to take place on the same day. 

I checked “Meet the Legends” from season 5 where Behrad goes back to when he was born, and at the very least there’s no contradiction there. If we’re following the TV airdates, the Legends had their Heyworld finale in May, which would be enough time for Legends mania to catch on and a documentary crew to start getting

The show that made an ongoing, serious-business storyline out of Gary’s nipple being consumed by a malevolent, hallucinogen-spewing unicorn*?

This episode had a fantastic ending. Not only did we get the reveal that Mick is the one pregnant, but we now have a way to swap between Zari 1.0 and 2.0 as the plot necessitates. I was wondering why the writers kept revisiting Zari 1.0 throughout the season, and this is a great payoff. This may be the development I’m

Is July 11 Behrad’s official birthday or was the episode set on another day?

I’m just going to second, or third, or fourth, a few posts pointing out that Kinja is utterly broken and functionally useless. Unless the goal is to not let us converse with each other on a site that originally had one of the most interesting commentariat on the web. If so, job well done.

I think it works cause if Loki were to hide for decades from the Thanos encounter and not interact with anyone, that would essentially be the same as if Loki was dead

No, the implication was that all the other Lokis died. The Old!Loki was a variant because didn’t die, but the TVA didn’t notice him until the first interacted with something as that was the first time he affected the timeline.

I’m just gonna start posting on popular posts since nothing else works so...