
Between the rotating cast, ability to set any episode anywhere and the fact they’ve covered a lot of tones they have a lot more room for telling different stories. Nothing ever really feels out of place on Legends cos they’ve built a pretty flexible sandbox to play in.

Legends of Tomorrow benefits both from being insanely awesome, and from being a show without the pressure of high expectations (or budget) that they can plug in during any season, night, or timeslot, and it will deliver and its fans will find it.

There were rumors of Patton playing hardball with the CW and threatening to leave between seasons, but I guess they worked something out.

It’s the Beeboverse.

I think what they are going for with Frost and Chillblaine is a gender-flipped version of Cisco’s thing with Golden Glider, where she was both into him and playing him. (Cisco at the time was somewhat more innocent than he later became). Is it sexist that I think that worked a lot better when she did it?

Also, the original Godspeed, August Hart, was from Nora’s timeline in the future in season 5. Less clear where the Godspeeds with the garbled speech are coming from once they re-appeared in season 6. 

Also, I can’t believe I forgot to mention this, but I had to laugh that the only door in STAR Labs that actually has a lock is the freaking bar.

“You’re going to be a great dad, Barry.”

I tend to put Caitlin’s medical skill along with Cecile’s legal skills. I just go with it.

I thought for sure that when Frost said she had a crush on a bartender a few weeks back, that she was referring to the Snake-eyeball Guy. I was hoping that Chillblaine was too obvious of a choice. Matthew Norvock (I had to look him up), to be fair, is still kind of a grungey pick for Frosty’s first boyfriend. But the

He’s a non-meta who is using technology to become a speedster, then started stealing Flash’s speed to give him permanent speedster abilities. Originally it was a regular dude, but then the androids started appearing out of nowhere.

I can’t for the life for me remember what the deal with Godspeed even is. I remember he was in episodes before. Now there are 12 of him?

This wasn’t terrible. I liked the Nora-Dream, and at this point I’d rather have Speedsters than anything else (Thawne obviously being the best case scenario). The Frost storyline, by contrast, is just terrible. Frost works but I can’t stand the new guy. Hopefully he doesn’t stick around.

Is Chillblaine a meta or not?

It was so great to see future Nora again

Caitlin is performing invasive surgery, with two other people in the room, and none of them are wearing masks?

- According to Twitter, Candice Patton is missing from this and last episode due to needing a mental health break, but she apparently will be around for Episode 150. And take this with a grain of salt, but there’s rumors that Patton wants to leave the show next season.

  • That was actually a very sweet cold open. I really liked it.

I genuinely fell for the end gag and thought he was just seeing out the episode then Ava spoke to him.

no stray observation about dominic’s real life girlfriend annalynne mccord being on the show?