
Overstuffed is definitely the right word for this episode, but that doesn’t make me love it less, just perhaps frustrated that this season definitely could have done with two more episodes. (I think that everyone at Netflix agreed, and that’s why we’re getting a little bit longer season 6.)

I was fooled throughout the entire episode until the improv guy was shot. But come on, weird things happen on this show... so yeah. But even once the improv guy was shot, my immediate thought was God as well. Made no sense, but I knew it wasn’t real.

Such a huge laugh at the end when Lucifer reveals he wasn’t trying to bring Dan out of his funk or to teach him some special lesson. He was just doing it all as payback for Dan shooting him.

Also, plenty of people have shot Luci before, and he’s only ever been mildly irritated (“You’ve ruined a perfectly good Burberry” “It’s a good thing the Detective isn’t here or you’d be cleaning my blood out of the carpet”).

I know I shouldn’t think about it too hard, and obviously it will likely never come up in future episodes, but: I can’t imagine Dan not suffering very real, extensive, permanent damage from all of those head hits. I’m no medical expert, so someone correct me otherwise—but like, how can that just be written as a

“I’m not an Uber, Dan,” was another line-reading that killed. Not series-great, but definitely season.

Yeah, with Lucifer's reveal I was starting to think Man, this is just too mean-spirited on top of everything else Dan was going through. Way to kick a guy while he's down. Then 'because you shot me' just put a perfect bow on it; like, of course.

Lucifer tossing off an exact dollar figure of what it cost to do the prank had me wondering if it could be another Easter egg, like maybe the exact budget for this episode of the show. (There’s a meta-joke coming in the penultimate episode about a medium doing a reading for a Fox programming executive which is pretty

Honestly, my mom thought there was something off at the beginning itself when Lucifer was talking to Dan at the station. She thought he was grinning way too much for no proper reason, but I just brushed it off as the actor maybe overdoing it a bit. We didn’t guess the ending tho, I actually thought it was a hell loop.

I had a feeling that something was being set up when Dan was drinking at the bar with Luis. I commented to my watching buddy that it seemed like a way to blackmail Dan into helping Luis with something shady, and then again when his old improv buddies showed up on the side of the road. It turned out I was thinking WAY

I consider myself a pretty perceptive viewer but I actually did not see the twist coming at all. Maybe because I was in the throes of a binge fest, I wonder if I had paced my first watch through if I would have caught on earlier.

One thing I did think about after is that I was more accepting of the almost comical

I think this is the first time in the entire series that someone said “fuck”. It’s been a long time coming.

I made the mistake of not rewatching 5A before my first watch of 5B thanks to work and the whiteboard episode seemed SO LONG to me that I didn’t pick up on the setup until way later than I should.

I loved how incredibly specific Lucifer was when he told Dan how much he spent on the prank, $5,oo4, 157, and that it was worth every penny. I bet he even set up everything the Los X “bike” shop just so Dan had to ride that gold bicycle with the spare tire on the back.

“Because you fucking shot me, Daniel.”

Honestly, I was fooled all the way through, mainly because I was enjoying this episode so much. After that bloodbath I was thinking the God would come in with a Dues Ex Machina and fix everything somehow giving Dan some sort of lesson to learn. God pulling the prank might have worked too or in cahoots with Lucifer.

I did like the fact that He (is anyone else finding it weird capitalizing that when it’s about a character on a TV show about the devil?) knew Maze was following him the entire time and even called her out on not being able to go through with killing him before suggesting she could grow a soul.

After this episode, I’m really really looking forward to Ella being read-in on the whole Celestial Karaoke Jam.

Lucifer was saved by Netflix after network cancelation, then renewed for a fifth and final season, then renewed for another season (so now the sixth will be its final season), because of just how popular it is. I’ve had plenty of my other coverage axed over the years, but I’m very happy that hasn’t been the case for

Ugh, I thought he meant something small and manageable like Fruity Pebbles. But Fruit Loops on donuts? Hell No.