
Another rise in cases could lead to restrictions coming back again or worse, hospitals being filled with Covid patients again, which is bad for everyone. Plus Covid sticking around long-term means getting the vaccine and looking out for it becomes part of regular life. It really is best for everyone if this gets

I’m vaccinated, so the next time a movie comes out that I want to see I’ll see it (I think that’s Black Widow). But, man, I do not trust people, especially since this whole thing has been made so much worse by the selfishness and idiocy and cruelty and selfishness of others. Hopefully theater workers are vaccinated,

I think this might be age-related; after age 50, a lot of people (and of course I mean myself, the only person who counts) are a lot more sensitive to glare. This is why the sterotype of “old person who doesn’t drive at night” exists. If a cellphone light in a dark theater doesn’t bother you now, it still might be

Doesn’t that just become the liars’ problem, then?

There’s a reason they, y’know, TURN THE LIGHTS OFF. No, a singular 7" screen isn’t going to ruin a movie for me, but a dozen 7" screens constantly lighting-up in random places the entire time kinda kills the experience.

“And after the movie is over I will be headed over to the gentlemen’s club where the girls who work there really like me!”

I’m glad that we’ve decided as a nation that the people that used fake medical exemptions and wanted forged vaccine cards can be trusted to use the honor system.

I’ve found a few anti-vax t-shirts, but how come there isn’t one that says, “Save the COVID virus?”

I saw QP2 yesterday at AMC and yep, signs were up that vaxxed people didn’t need to mask. There were probably 20 people in the theater for a 1pm showing. I’m vaxxed. The vaccines are not 100% effective, I know, but the CDC has said vaxxed people are highly unlikely to catch covid, and if they do they are highly

AMC is so preoccupies with whether they could that they forget to ask whether they should.

Do I really have to name venues that are bigger and open air?

Think before typing.

Just like to point out that Australia has comparatively few cases of COVID, and yet Victoria is currently having a bit of an outbreak of which one of the exposure sites was... A cinema.

False equivalence. If a club serves somebody underage or somebody already intoxicated, they can get into very big trouble. Most importantly, there is decades of people understanding that rule. There isn’t much penalty for not enforcing mask guidelines and some really stupid states (Hi, Florida!) are doing there best


Speaking as That Guy who goes out to see all the superhero whiz-bang movies, IMO that first viewing in the theater in IMAX 3-D is still worth the price. Would I go see a sensitive character drama about a woman dying of a rare disease in the theater? Nah. But a massive spectacle gets a lot of value-add when it takes

“Yes, I am totally vaccinated. And this second ticket is for my totally hot Canadian girlfriend who will be joining me once the lights dim.”

I’m probably going to go masked at movie theaters for a while anyway (maybe even forever), because COVID aside, it’s also nice not getting colds and the flu.

Doctor Nate Heywood, PhD definitely said “nucular” on several occasions.

Solid episode but why didn’t anyone else go with them especially Spooner who can translate. Like what was Mick’s plan just go with no way of communication. Also why didn’t ava use her watch thing to take the alien to the ship when she first finds it. She did it last episode almost immediately? Behrad is fine but stop