
Knockoff Mothra & poison tequila larva on Batwoman aren’t what I meant when I said I wanted Killer Moth in the Beeboverse!

-I love that the Waverider has a windshield wiper.

I think it’s a safe assumption that as we get closer to the season-ending fight, Frost will be back with a “we need everyone, so I asked for a pardon contingent on good behavior” reveal.

I loved the Kara and Alex scene in the car. Not just because, I was ready to swear it was Chyler Leigh talking when I looked away from the screen. But more because the talk was so real. I think everyone who left home for college has the experience of finding their own identity while they’re gone and the friction from

Brainy being so intimidated by young Alex was great, and makes sense because he knows how  hardcore she is and also if he pisses off young Alex in the past she might still be pissed at him in the present (as she warned him she would be if he screwed up her past)

I don’t know why Kara thought that she needed to travel back in time with the other two to solve things when she did nothing when she got there. Still, this was a fun flashback adventure.

Why didn’t Flash show up as a character witness?

Because any prosecutor worth their salt would have immediately demanded that he reveal his identity.

The Flash had the strongest first season of any Arrowverse show. Cavanagh was a super compelling Thawne, and Gustin’s Flash brought some much needed joy to the Arrowverse. It pains me to say, but for me the show has been in steady decline ever since. There are way too many episodes like this one that are a glum slog

The Cat Grant timeline has been bothering me too but then I realized the inconsistency can easily be blamed on Crisis. I guess Crisis is the new Speed Force (though don’t get me started on her after last night’s episode).

So has the Flash not earned enough goodwill that he could appeal to the governor to grant a pardon to Frost?

Everyone’s covered the legal subplot; I’ve long made my peace with how the Arrowverse justice system works expeditiously (going all the way back to the first season when Quentin Lance tried to arrest Oliver on the grounds he was The Hood). So yes, it’s a little more simple and streamlined that your average Perry Mason

He was very distinct that she was a “good cop” and doubled down he still didn’t agree with her methods, only that he respected her for being on the same side of the law. Which is still more than she deserves, personally, but Joe was pretty clear to me he did not care for her as a person, still. It’s like people who

  • Frost is accused of some VERY serious crimes, facing some potentially serious time, and they just let her walk around free? I get bail, but in that circumstance the prosecution would almost certainly ask for remand.

This decision to send Frost to prison for life is dumb & unjust and this episode should feel dumb & unjust

  • Gideon, what’s the most meta moment?: Lots of options, but let’s call it a tie between Gary’s ship description and “being an Avenger is stupid... I’m a Preventer.”

Definitely give Spooner some time. There was a time when Ava was the wet drip of the show (post-Hawks/Rip/Vandal of course!) and if Behrad would be a welcome addition in place of Zari Prime.

I like how the show retcons/mutates Gary in a “Well-ish” kind of way. He’s still the same true Gary just remutated in a different form that fits with the theme of the season. They somehow found way to retcon to where you can say “that explains everything/that makes no sense from the previous seasons/eh sure why not”

Nate can bro out with anyone and I’m looking forward to more Nate+Ava bro-ing during this arc.

  • Boy, Ava really does look terrible.

I just watched Zari’s self-titled first episode last night. Like Spooner, Zari was not much looking to make friends or join a team, but the combination of the sheer coolness of the opportunity to become a time-traveling superhero, and get some help with her particular issues, was hard to resist.