I have a feeling the Crisis is going to be how they handwave a lot of stuff.
I have a feeling the Crisis is going to be how they handwave a lot of stuff.
My theory is that something will happen in Part 2 that will cause Kara to give up supering—again. She'll decide Alex is right and it will also feed into her breakup with Kenny.
Isaiah is legally “dead”, I thought (how he escaped incarceration), so it would be a little weird to ask his permission from a procedural standpoint. It isn’t a tribute to a “living” person - it’s a memorial to that history.
He already used it to block a helicopter crash. Vibranium is powerful stuff.
Spreading this story into 2 parts was a good decision since this show has been prone to cram too much into one episode(I know this time it was to accommodate Benoist’s absence but still). Everything had a chance to breathe and it made the episode much more enjoyable. A lot of past episodes that had a lot of potential…
I mean, except for the vibranium suit and wings that he’s wearing, sure.
I think 20 people from Angola would rather have been free, and maybe google “Oney Judge” before you started banging on about Washington and freedom.
Posting the dumbest thing of the day by 1:26 a.m. is honestly pretty fucking impressive.
Yeah, I actually totally think Sharon’s rage is valid, I think her indifference to a country that doesn’t care about her and largely one that doesn’t care about a lot of its citizens gives her a lot of range as a villain that you can understand. She cared about something that didn’t care about her back, I don’t…
Yeah, I think the show would have fared better if Sharon’s villainy was more pronounced, because the twist was ultimately obvious - I’d rather they milked dramatic irony of Bucky, Sam and Zemo being totally unaware of who she really is instead of the relatively weak reveal. It would also be easier to excuse Karli as a…
“But they’re also able to bring real dramatic weight to Brainy and Nia’s respective arcs too. The confidence of this episode stems directly from their great central performances. And if this doesn’t inspire The CW to give them their own spinoff series, I hope they at least get to become players on Legends of Tomorrow a…
I’m sorry, are you seriously trying to fucking argue that the fact that not all African-Americans were held in slavery or legally treated as second class citizens when George Washington was elected means that the United States doesn’t have a long and vicious history of racism? What, because not every single African…
I think this instantly becomes one of the 5 best episodes of this show. At the very least, it’s the most fun episode in a long time.
I believe at least some weakness of the Karli plot came from pandemic reshoots. Episode 3 seems to be the most obviously cut-and-pasted together. Apparently the initial idea for the climax was meant to involve a virus threatening a global pandemic, which they’ve axed because of, well, look around.
That’d be Winter Soldier, when he jumps out of the Triskelion and falls several stories into the helicopter with Black Widow and Nick Fury.
Maybe that’s my answer then. We’ll all just be expected to ‘play along’, lol. The heroes (or lead characters) are always getting in fights but at worst they end up with a bloody nose. “How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop” becomes “How many explosions can Steve emerge from before his coif gets mussed.”
What an absolute delight! It had all the fun and heart of a Legends episode, which is a pretty high compliment.
It’s cool that Sam will be taking up the shield but, at the most basic level, how will his performance stack up against Steve’s when he has to fight without the super serum? I’m not much of a Marvel fan and deplore violence but it was fun to watch Steve jump out of a plane with only his shield and carry out some…
I’m impressed by the way that the show balanced Sam and Isaiah’s views on a black Captain America. Isaiah’s right to be enraged by the idea that any “self-respecting black man” would want to take up a mantle soaked in blood and hypocrisy. But, as Sarah points out, Sam isn’t Isaiah, and no on gets to tell him who he’s…
I have a tendency to dismiss Marvel for being too bombastic and silly sometimes, but every once in a while they can really surprise me. I love when they get poignant, and it’s no coincidence it seems to mainly happen in Captain America or Captain America-adjacent stories. That museum ending will be as moving and inspir…