
Highlights: General Lane knows Clark is Superman. The kids relationship to each other is largely supportive. The feeling of “lived in” performances by its Lois and Clark

From everything I read, Melissa Benoist is not going to be in it at all so they are doing that thing where they just pretend she does not exist or just name drop her. She just had a child and with Covid restrictions she could not be in this season. And with her show ending after this one it appears she is unwilling at

The One Where Lois Starts a Blog

I’m going to guess given the current state of things we won’t see Kara at all this first season, but if the world gets closer back to normal maybe next season if Benoist is willing? 

I was wondering about the name Jordan as well. I assumed maybe it was someone on Lois’ side of the family, but Jor-El makes a lot of sense. But I do not want to see Jordan go supervillain. That’s the last thing I want to see, like Capt Luthro corrupting him or something and we get like evil emo teen Superman.

I was definitely looking for Kara and Alex at the funeral, and at the flashback to the wedding

I agree that Lois was a bit sidelined in the pilot and my favorite parts of the episode were when Clark and Lois were just together (Tyler and Bitsie have amazing chemistry!) but I am sure they needed to focus a little bit on the twins to set things in motion and she will have equal footing in the upcoming episodes.

If they’re going to have her working for the Smallville Wheatwrapper or whatever, she had better be editor-in-chief or owner. There are only so many huge Morgan Edge exposés a small-town paper can support (so many being 0 or 1). Maybe she’ll start her own instantly popular blog like Iris, LOL.

In the crazy, rushed finale of CRISIS, it was noted that Clark was aware of what Ollie had done, but Lois wasn’t. (J’onn restored HIS memories, not hers.) He was actually surprised to get a call from her about what “his boys” had done.

I’m just hoping this doesn’t become a plot point to drive a wedge between them in

You haven’t missed anything, the working assumption is Crisis re-wrote their lives so that Clark and Lois got married and had kids much earlier (the show also seems to imply that Clark looks younger because he’s Kryptonian, not because he’s Tyler Hoechlin’s actual age of 33. That would make Clark a bit of a young dad).

I did not realize I wanted a show about Superman versus the death of the American small town, but I gotta say that now that I have one, I’m actually pretty excited.

Lana struggled to come up with a female equivalent to call Martha Kent and went from Superman to Superwoman with no one mentioning Supergirl. I mean, that was the better answer for Martha, but not mentioning Supergirl felt weird.

Lana’s a loan officer, that means she’s automatically sus (that’s what the kids say these days right?).

As a Grimm super fan, I think it now is clear that Bitsie Tulloch did what she could to make Juliette/ Eve dynamic and interesting, but was hampered by awful storylines and writing for the character. It is fun to see her cut loose with a more fully realized, better written role

The tone was unexpected to me and I am not sure how I am going to like it compared to the sunnier Supergirl.

Interesting real life ArrowVerse crossover: Tyler Hoechlin and Katie Cassidy went to prom together

This was interesting, it has a pretty different feel to the rest of the Arrowverse shows, which may or may not help it down the line. Not to sure about all the dark lighting and dull colors though.

I also though it was going to turn out to be a dream sequence. It’s a pretty bold move for the show to make it real.

I really like this show, and I’m sorry that’s it’s ending, even if it did get a good run. I wonder if any of the cast will port over to Legends. 

I honestly thought the cop-frying scene was going to turn out to be a fantasy by Jeff as he stood with guns pointed at him. But no!