
They might feed Malick to her eventually.

I think one of the problems is that she would have to suck the life out of someone else to revive herself. Daisy hasn’t disappeared so I can’t see the team sacrificing someone just to bring her back.  

Agent Not Your Father’s Bill Paxton, Your Father is Bill Paxton

They stopped Project Insight from happening in the 70s but Triskelion is being built early too. It looks like Chronicoms still have someone high up the chain in SHIELD even after Phil told Stoner about Malicks. This is obviously just a smallest change in the timeline by now - with Garrett’s future changed so does

It’s surprising that Daisy seems more freaked out by the fact that she has a sister than by her mother reappearing after having been killed by Daisy’s father.

Agent OpenedForTwistedSister

Now playing

The 80's vibes continue to be strong as young Paxton channels one of his dad’s first screen appearances. Because of course young John Garrett would essentially be Chet from Weird Science.

Young Garrett was chewing the scenery, like taking large bites and shit. Nothing on Bill Paxton but it was a heroic effort. Nathaniel is limp but sometimes the best villains are the weakest. Which made the scene where he kicked Daisys ass even more infuriating. I used to hate Kassius from season 5 but on a recent

I think Deke is the key. He came from further in the future, one that may not even exist because of SHIELD's alteration. So he's most likely outside of the timeline Sibyl can see and may be able to take action they can't predict or track.

I love the state of the Daisy-Sousa thing right now especially, he has feelings for her, and she knows it, but because he doesn’t remember the time loop, he doesn’t know that she knows it, and so she is having to decide how to reveal that she knows & feels the same (as her kissing him revealed) 

I didn’t expect his role to be this huge and I am here for it. And they even managed to make the romance with him and Daisy pretty believable in such a short amount of time (if only the rest of the writing was on that level).

It was classic Deke this week that he idiotically doesn’t listen to comms & that young alt timeline Garrett likes his band & that he let his 80s team down by not actually being qualifed to make them SHIELD agents. But it also is classic Deke that he refuses to believe Nana Jemma’s quite plausible theory that Fitz is

I am stunned that they brought Enver Gjokaj on as a semi-regular this season, I would never have expected that & it was a fantastic decision 

Sousa has definitely been the best thing about the season and I hope him and Daisy can hang out more in the future.

I loved the scenes with Dichen Lachmann and Chloe Bennet, Sousa was right, it was worth it to get a chance for them to connect, even if it was only briefly. Plus as Sousa said, and pardon his French, but the timeline is screwed anyway

What’s funny to imagine if the assholes can’t get an answer out of Jemma that she just says you didn’t find an Inhuman to read minds, I know that is a power...I am just suspecting the implant is somehow not totally visible to Chronicoms because otherwise it seems easy enough for Sybll to have it removed.

Agent SCP-076-2.

With the deaths of Gordon and Jiaying it’s looking like the series will end with a reset of the timeline which brings up the Sousa going to go back to being dead. Resetting the timeline would reset his death, so does this Sousa get erased from existence like a character from Back to the Future or,

I guess when you have years to study your subject, you can do a pretty good approximation. Nice homage to your dad, James.

Agent season 1 call backs.