Good lord, they did such a great job writing Courtney’s bio-dad as a manipulative shithead. We have him:
Good lord, they did such a great job writing Courtney’s bio-dad as a manipulative shithead. We have him:
- So... how did the teens escape? Brainwave was prevented from going after the kids by Henry Jr.‘s barrier, but with him dead, the barrier shouldn’t have still been up. Why didn’t Brainwave use his powers to knock the kids out and capture them?
That was extremely hard to watch. I went through something very similar when I was 18 (no locket was involved) and it was last time I spoke to my father. I was also impressed that they wrote this story. I am glad she can get past this trauma. I was worried for a bit, the staff was somehow keyed into the…
I’m still hoping Mike uses the very conveniently left pink pen in Courtney’s room and becomes Thunderbolt. Maybe he’s running away and writes “See u” which I think is close enough. A 5th dimension, mischievous Jinn would suit Mikes personality, and it would bring him into the fold, after he uses it to get in trouble.…
Ah! I didn’t catch that he was talking to the Gambler on the phone, but that makes a lot of sense.
It was less the IT department, more the Gambler/Stephen. But yeah that was a fun spot-on guess/joke.
Last week crackblind was speculating on the terrible consequences if the IT department turned out to also be evil.
That will forever be the best depiction of what it’s like to realize that your own parent has abandoned you. Ugh, my heart. Just reading that quote has me tearing up, mostly because I’ve experienced it and Will played the hell out of that scene.
“How come he don’t want me, man?”
and making a lovely point about how people like her will always need support from people like him.
“If you die you forget what you learned” was a nice little update to the rules of the genre that added some stakes without changing the basic format.
Yeah. My theory is their daughter was born between seasons and Fitz has her with him.
I think it’s kind of a sad testament to how bad Daisy has been burned throughout her life that this dude she’s barely known being real nice had to be questioned so thoroughly. At least she seemed satisfied with the answer.
I’ll call it here, Fitz ain’t dead, he’s raising their child/children. There’s no way they kill him off screen, movie or not and just show flashback. I’d say the reason she cried is she knows what she has given up to save the day. It may the only way she could get through it, blocking memories of her child/children.
I honestly did not expect Enoch’s death to impact me so much (especially after the great laugh of him pulling out his ‘heart’) so kudos to the writing team. Especially to Henstridge as well - if this is her first time directing it’s a hell of an entry in her CV and a feather in her cap.
I don’t think that Daisy is a game-player, I have to think the kiss meant something real to her, though she knew that he wouldn’t remember so it didn’t commit her to anything. I did think it was funny that she was so confused by why Souza was worried about her & waiting outside her pod-thing. Uh, he likes you, who…
But did she? Or was she testing the waters after his confession? I guess time will tell. ;)
I guess Daisy kissing Souza could be an out of time fakeout, but I would like to trust her that she really felt that and will express that to him in a way that he will remember
The last time a computer made me cry that hard, it was the finale of season 4 of Person of Interest. Damn, that was a quality episode of television, and yeah, I’d probably call that Agents of SHIELD’s finest hour. It has everything you could want from the show.