
Pregnant Amy would’ve been an especially rough unplanned cliffhanger to end on.

I loved Stephanie Beatriz “hosting” this episode along with the actress that plays Dina on Superstore. At this point she as Rosa is my favorite female TV cop ever & it isn’t very close 

Honestly I screamed during the entire dance. I am a nightmare to watch TV with. 

It has to be one of TV’s biggest coincidences this episode ended on one of the most timely lines ever:

I’m torn between being sad that we only got a 13 episode season this year and glad that the whole thing was shot and completed in time to air it all.

Most organic laugh was when Rosa slid her phone up to record Holt and Terry’s rump-shakin’

Scully and Hitchcock making a birthing room for Amy (due to being masters of the work siesta) is legit one of the sweetest moments in a show constantly flooded with sweet moments.

as to why Amy is in uniform w/different tasks than Terry: in the episode where she got her new command it was said that the P.D. didn’t allow married people to work in the same unit, so Amy was transferred to command the uniformed officers.

During my basic physics classes I was told you absolutely need to color code any wire because of the precision of the circuits is so small and even someone with 20/20 vision can mess up.

New episode next week. How many more will follow, and whether any sort of resolution to this season can be expected given the production shutdown, is anyone’s guess.

- So Ava has bigger plans for Iris.
- If you ditched at 120mph, you’d be dead. No ifs, ands, or buts.
- It’s amazing how Singh can only ask Joe to step off of the case. He has plenty of reason to order him off of the case without looking suspicious. If he is indeed the mole. (Ah, even better. He’s Mirror!Singh.)
- Where

Also, if mail is privatized, various entities need a way to get into contact with you. That would require everyone have an email address or everyone eats the postage fee. There are no standard email addresses and no guarantee everyone will get the important emails like you can reasonably guarantee something arrives in

I mean I don’t disagree with you, but we’re not there yet. In 10+ years, yes, we’ll be there but just because you and I are completely comfortable paying online doesn’t mean that’s the case for 100% of people. Not wanting to use a computer or do online financials isn’t a disability.

“Businesses should be forced to perform several new services” and “people should be forced to use the internet” isn’t exactly a great point when they AREN’T doing those things right now and yet right now is when the post office is in trouble. If you want to get rid of the post office then focus on doing those things

I mean... yes? I mean, I think you don’t know as much as you think you do about the ascendancy of the car, but I’ll roll with it. In this scenario, I would want the blacksmith to be subsidized until cars were more widespread and were reliable even in cases of emergency! I would, in fact, want that very much. “It

 It’s infinitely-cheaper than UPS or FedEx, and also delivers on Sunday, for starters. You should really pay more attention to who actually delivers your packages.

Oregonian here—I vote by mail. We all should vote by mail. Its more secure and results in much higher voter turnout.

Rachel, thank you very much for posting such a great article about the USPS, a service which is so dear to my heart. Americans ought to be up in arms that their elected officials are even considering tinkering with it. I’d rather have my tax dollars used to help support the USPS (and the National Parks) than a lot of

I get that your life, personally, might not be significantly interrupted. (Though I would encourage you to look closer at your mailing habits - most of the smaller businesses ship through USPS and the current estimate is that shipping fees will go up by $10+ a parcel if USPS fails.)

It’s not just high speed internet, it’s also some things still require mail.