
Here’s the thing, that’s death. It’s the “Shelly Long treatment” or it could also be called “that’s how the world works” treatment. I’ve seen a lot of family die in the last five years and it’s hurt but as often we had warning and deep personal moments it’s also been quick and brutal and without any warning. I’ve been

CRISIS did not disappoint.

A few random thoughts:

Well I guess they got to have their cake and eat it too, they merged the Supergirl & Black Lightning Earth’s into Earth-1 and all the others just went back to being in existence. I’m still not convinced that this won’t cause problems down the line with the story beats that Supergirl & Black Lightning have (There being


One nice touch I noticed near the end is when they show Earth-96 (Routh) Superman again, he’s got the yellow back in his costume, implying his Lois (and other friends) didn’t die in his new reality. He got a happy ending.  :)

So much squealing last night. The Anti-Monitor fights weren’t great, but I loved just about everything else, particularly in the Legends hour.

So Marv Wolfman is the Stan Lee of the Arrowverse? He should be like a Where’s Waldo in future episodes. Just popping up in the background.

Heh, I think that was my favorite line of the entire crossover.

Hey it’s Microverse now. Even Rey admitted Rayan’s name sounds better.

that will condemn the Anti-Monitor to the “Atom-verse.”

* Except her mother, Dinah Lance (Alex Kingston). I would not trade that scene for the world, but it is very weird that everyone pretends Dinah Lance just doesn’t exist.

I was already smiling when they brought Beebo out for all the non-Legends to marvel/be disgusted at.... but when Ray took a selfie so he could show Nate? I laughed very loudly (sorry neighbors). It was a very brief but perfect Legends move.

I vote that Nash get stuck feeding Gleek as penance. 

They’ve got something cooking with BL befriending Barry. We need a Family Cookout episode STAT. 

Hurray, they merged the Earths! I know some didn’t want this, but I totally did, these shows started at different times on different networks, after the CW took over Supergirl it only made sense they should be on the same Earth. The stupid device needed to jump from Earth to Earth was lame, or Barry needing to run to

If the next crossover doesn’t begin with “MEANWHILE, AT THE HALL OF JUSTICE!”, it’s going to be a missed opportunity. 

The CW’s almost ludicrously ambitious crossover-to-end-all-crossovers, a flawed but undeniably entertaining affair”

I am completely here for Kara's childlike "Kate's here! Kate's here!" reaction to seeing Batwoman show up. I cannot wait to see where they take their friendship in the future.

- So they did combine the Earths.
- Okay, it’s LutherCorp again. What are the chances that Lena works for Lex again?
- Was it Lex or Kara that made Lena like her again? Did Kara do it subconsciously?
- WEATHER WITCH! Now how about a return on The Flash.
- Did Marv say Powergirl?
- Look, I get that it’s bad that Oliver is