
When McDonald's first started doing McCafe, a friend tipped me off that they actually had an espresso machine and weren't just doing flavors. So I ordered an espresso at the drive through once. Bless her heart, the young lady first questioned if all I wanted was espresso, then proceeded to deliver me, for $2, a small

"Just like you can't go from not working out to doing two-a-days, you can't go from eating pizzas wrapped in pancakes to salads and oats and grilled chicken. It's just too much to ask for most people. What I found (and this is my own personal BS experience, but did help me drop 35 pounds without feeling like I wanted

I like to think that's how it began 😃

Be cautious. Sometimes the scam artists have phished your information and may have the last 4 of your social and your address. These are not fool proof questions.

Any special advice for when the rambler is, y'know, you own Mom...

Tell me more about this pizza wrapped in pancakes idea...

I just had to spend the day with a bunch of relatives who all have the same political views (quite different from mine), and are all very aggressive about ranting them at me the entire time they're near me. Normally, I can't get a word in edgewise, nor do I even try to; anything I say about politics falls on deaf ears.

Like the fine print on a loan application, so too goes this article - unread.

I think the biggest challenge people face with their diets is going from one extreme to another. Just like you can't go from not working out to doing two-a-days, you can't go from eating pizzas wrapped in pancakes to salads and oats and grilled chicken. It's just too much to ask for most people. What I found (and this

Right - but the people who are likely to be confused by calls from fake collectors are those that are in debt or who have legitimate money owed to collectors or who have lost track of what they owe. In short, people who are in a bad situation that can't be headed off with "manage your money better" because they're

So I got divorced.

I had a medical bill for $27 go into collections because the doctors office couldn't be bothered to call and say that my insurance decided to not cover as much as they said when they pre-approved the visit. When I asked the office manager why they did that they told me that is their policy. I tried to find out why

In a perfect world, everyone would be like you - no debt, perfectly aware of their finances, able to skate through life. In the real world, people aren't perfect, and that's why there are articles like these. Nobody is suggesting that this is an ideal way to live or manage money.

The point, that you seem to be missing, is that even if you manage your money properly, you can get a debt collector who will hound you to death if they do a bad skip trace, you have a common name, the person who lived in your house before you had bad debt, think that debts are passed down generations, or a number of

You do know these douchebags will call you pretending you owe money, right? Some not so astute people will just assume they owe something and pay without asking.

Now playing

Well, if you remember how the story ends, you can always go with the "—And the chicken poops in her lap!" strategy.

Has there ever been a BCO about gluten-free people not understanding what gluten is?

My boss got me a coffee thermos for xmas.