
If you're running on pavement, soft ground, or doing trail runs you should have 2-3 different pairs for training. And if you're sprinting, a pair of shoes simply for that won't wear out as quick as the others. Good running form will keep your shoes in tact for a few hundred miles - also depends on what you're running

I believe that is what they suggest but I'm with you. Can't afford it.

The customer is always right (and often a window-licking imbecile.)

During the Dominion War, after he graduated from Starfleet Academy, he lost his leg in a battle with the Jem Hadar. They outfitted him with a synthetic prosthetic.

Growing up, I always thought the point of gingerbread houses was to make them, decorate them, take a picture, then destroy them with a hammer and put gingerbread and frosting into the mouth part of your face until you can't do that thing anymore. Then I discovered people who just decorate them and let them sit out

I considered moving to Denver for a long time (currently in CA). It always looked OK in terms of job prospects, affordable housing, and city-life that I am accustomed to. But the BSL is what turned me off. If I can't drive through your state with my dog without fear of losing a family member, I don't want to live in

Are there other types of nog? You don't hear people mention them, like "Boy, I could go for a glass of strawberry nog."

A friend of mine is designing a similar app as part of his master's program at GW. Apparently no one in DC should eat at New Big Wong.*

My beloved and I are firmly of the opinion that "B" is for "Best" when it comes to KBBQ restaurants in Los Angeles.

If only the Boy Scouts had encountered that version of Chuck E. Cheese. Such poetic justice.

A relative had one - might not have technically been a pot-bellied pig but it was some small breed. My recollection is that she was super strong (way stronger than a dog of similar size) and everything they say about pigs' intelligence is correct. My relative kept the pig's food very high up in the garage and once

At first I was all excited about a Tobias Fünke lookalike...

Read this as "What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?"

raise your hand if you know already that you will eat one or more of these at some point. no shame here (unless you sell monogrammed thermoses).

Dudette, don't nobody hate Fritos.

chili cheese flavored Fritos are the shit.

Would eat (don't judge me), but it would be way better with the chili cheese flavored Fritos.