
Today I interviewed someone for a developer position. I'm the senior dev and team lead. What I expect isn't that much different than what's in the article. One this that I feel is important are the questions the candidate asks me. It can say a lot about a person. Today's candidate wasn't very strong to begin with and

I would agree that these aren't worth "obsessing" over, but that doesn't mean they aren't at least a little bit important. Of course, first and foremost, you're looking for someone who can execute the job at a high level. But if someone is being hired for a lower level position, taking a few extra steps to impress

#6 - Having a JOB

"No employer is going to hire you just because you have a beautifully laid-out resume," she says. "Plus, it makes it look like you don't have a clear idea of what things really matter."

That's so paltry. Depending on my mood I'll either ask for extra cheese or "please use a whole slice of cheese". But I remember several Arby's got in shit and they redid the menus because they were shorting people on appetizers; on the regular sized order of mozzarella sticks you're supposed to get 4, but I routinely

That's what Hardee's/Carl Jr's has done. Like, fuck this healthy shit, let's yank everything that isn't beef, pork, or chicken from the menu, double the size, and sell it as a sign of masculinity and getting the most beef for your buck. I live in a region where a lot of people, especially men, take jobs doing manual

We mustn't forget location, precious. Sometimes we gets job offers that requires us to moves, and we have to decide whether to keep our homes or not.

Taco Bell wants world domination? All they have to do is stop being deaf to customer's ongoing requests and bring this back as a permanent menu item. BOOM! World Domination in less than 2 months.

man, i get the diet soda joke but like WHY add those calories if you can handle diet? considering the bucket the give you for soda, getting a diet is still a good idea imo.

That 1$ 7 layer burrito in the 90s was sweet.

I am responsible for approximately 12% of Taco Bell's total sales, in the form of that fucking potato taco. My god that thing is delicious. And they brought back the cheesy bean and rice burrito, so I know someone loves me. I don't smoke weed and I don't drive drunk, so all of my trips are completely sober, too. I

That line in Young Justice for why Batman trained Dick (and by extension every Robin) was great.

I'm whelmed

The two hours after I'm awake are entirely spent... in my car. :(

2 hour commute through NYC (4 boroughs, usually not Queens) to a job I don't even like anymore.

Love Lastpass as a company and gladly pay for it. They also saved Xmarks, another favorite service from extinction. Like many, I was wary at first, but this Security Now episode did a great job of explaining their model.

Just love this program. Been using it for 2+ years. Don't even really use the paid features all that much but have been so impressed I wanted to throw some money their way. Got my wife, parents, and several other people using it, too.

To some, living far away from family is how we have a Merry Christmas...