
I read it as it was take out food in their home kitchen.

Truth. I didn't intend to be redundant. I think the suspect had a less than firm grasp on cuisines.

His kitchen, like literally at his house. Not at a sushi place.

Dora was a saint. I can only hope she was well compensated for her efforts.

And that last story, I always wondered how the Church people/crowds could do such bad/evil things and reconcile that with their self holiness. When I worked in a library, my supervisor had put a book in a gallon size zip lock. It had come in

Not quite the wasabi story above, but one day I was working from home when my father strolled by and spotted the wasabi peas I was absent-mindedly popping into my mouth (individually). He proceeded to grab a massive handful... and I managed to stop him only an instant before he-who-never-eats-spicy-food got a nuclear

Ah, the standards for being a "hipster" in Seattle is probably like the standards for being a "socialist" in Europe. If everyone is a hipster, you probably need super serious commitment to your 19th century facial hair to stand out.

I have an interesting one from the perspective of a server.

Agreed. My father is the nicest man, would NEVER dream of being rude to waitstaff and is just an all around great guy. However, he grew up in a small town in southwest Missouri. All the man wants is Folgers, black. Went with him to a Starbucks once in NYC, he looked at the menu in complete shock, totally overwhelmed

The whole coffee shop thing confused me too-I probably would have just asked for 'normal coffee', too if I wound up in a place like that-but continuing to go back to a place that you KNOW has nothing you like and then antagonizing the staff about it makes you way more of a psycho douchebag in my book.

One time a friend and I were eating in a decent Asian Buffet. This family walks in and sits down at the table behind us, and the guy is being a JERK to everyone. He is yelling at his kid, his wife, and the server. His server is also ours, so when the server comes back to our table to get us refills we reflect with

That is awful and amazing.

I see the picture of breadsticks. Something inside me snaps. I look up at my boyfriend.

Several jobs ago, I ordered a sushi appetizer at a nice company dinner. The president/CEO's secretary (who I later learned was having an affair with him) was a woman of extremely limited education and experience, and she was hyper-aware of this fact and constantly paranoid that other people were making fun of her. She

Not to mention that if your SSID is 14NMoore* and someone is sniffing traffic and doesn't see anything on that SSID, it could be another indicator (among others) that no one is home, making you more likely to get a burglary.

You should always go with FBI Van #2. That way they'll always wonder where the other one is.

Best investment EVER... will save you a fortune :)

If your cable provider allows, buying your own modem can save you a lot (eventually).

IMHO, the biggest risk when someone breaks into your network is the liability for their actions. Anything they do is traced to you.

I can't be grossed out due to the number of friends who would dip fries in chocolate shakes...