“Kim feels more connected to Kanye than ever. Their marriage is doing great.”
“Kim feels more connected to Kanye than ever. Their marriage is doing great.”
I suspect a number of attendees at that ball in New York have now come around to believing in angels.
Its weird that she touts being Jewish like its a sign she’s destined to be a victim of the republican party, as if they don’t get an instant boner thinking about helping Israel kill Muslims. Hell, Trump’s daughter is Jewish. Jewish in America is just White. Own up to your White Privilege Lena.
Lena Dunham: Dis fuckin bitch
All I want for Christmas is for Lena Dunham to lose her platform/fame, experience some actual hardship, learn some lessons and STAY UNFAMOUS
I have a few issues with that map, however.
i hope this (unfortunate) incident pushes the kartrashians further underground. ive enjoyed living without her since the robbery.
Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.
Seriously fuck anyone who tells others how to vote or that they threw away their vote because it wasn’t for their shitty candidate. Fuck you sir. I’m sad Trump is president, but this country had it’s opportunity to get away from a two-party system and those who are die hard left or right shit all over those who wanted…
I’d vote for a rip in the space and time continuum.
As a former teacher: Good. Nobody like this deserves to be a teacher.
In the ranking of who to blame for a Trump presidency, Susan Sarandon is pretty fucking far down the list.
Exactly. And that ‘scream at the dissenters’ behavior still carries on today. They could, you know, LISTEN, but they’d rather scapegoat and blame...ensuring the same outcome in the next election because they refuse to learn.
Do Sanders supporters want to rub anyone’s noses in the failure? The top comments on every blog post around here are from Clinton supporters, licking their wounds and trying to listen for their echoes bouncing off the ever-shrinking walls of their tea room. On this blog entry, these supporters’ top comments complain…
I don’t even see why this is controversial. Obama did it 2x, at least within the context of what was politically feasible at the time. But Clinton decided to go all-in on identity politics and strike white people from her coalition. Apparently Bill even asked her campaign to focus more on states like WI and they…
I stayed at my parents’ house this weekend and had a long chat with my mom, who pointed something interesting out.
Cheers, finally some damn common sense! People want to go apoplectic on each other and refuse to understand where things went wrong when we have a perfect example of exactly how to run a fucking campaign who’s still in office for 2 more months.
You lost because people were tired of being labeled for having a different opinion than you. Instead of discussing issues with people who disagreed with you, you lumped them in with the crazies. Many of those people didn’t vote for Trump. They voted against the ideology that called them names and labeled them.
Eh, I’ve been around. I was browbeaten into submission during the primaries, fought the good fight for Clinton in the general, worried about each mistake and called them out in turn, but ultimately stayed loyal to the party. Of course, if you even thought about voting for a socialist in the primaries, you’re among…
Here’s our plan, from what I can tell: