
Yes and no. I’m with you on the general gist- that the people we elect to run shit need to know how shit runs. There are a lot of professions that require a person to pass an exam before they’re allowed to work. The position of POTUS should theoretically be one of them.

This whole fucking country is turning into that “YOU, ALL RIGHT? I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU!” drug PSA.

Is it me or is his pumpkin face starting to collapse? He looks like he’s aged a decade in the past week. And on Donald Trump, that look is bigly ungood.

So many leaps of logic equaling fails in this post. Bernie Sanders was undermined at every point, even to the DNC placing fake stories about him. He was denied equal time at the debates (and poor Martin O’Malley only got a couple of minutes!) and Hillary Clinton was handed the debate question about the Death Penalty,

Depends on the city and the organization that’s putting them together. PDX Resistance elucidates their goals here: http://www.pdxresistance.org/


Your point of view on differing opinions is troubling.

“there was an inordinate amount of media coverage on her emails”

That’s absolutely right. We definitely can’t afford to waste our time and effort on a candidate who is awful, though.

You don’t know if she was the best candidate because the DNC didn’t bother trying to find a better one. They anointed her as the next President 8 years ago and wouldn’t listen to anyone else.

In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many

I hope you’re right that they’re gone. The talk about trying to run Chelsea Clinton for Congress makes my stomach hurt.

The fact that the party basically handed her the nomination because it was her ‘turn’ was a concession to her feelings and wasn’t based on any calculus of her electability or her capability to govern. (And her only real opposition was some guy who isn’t even a member of the party.)

Just trying to imagine President Tyra losing it during the State of the Union.

fuck off. your smugness is emblematic of the shitty mindset that put us in this situation. Can’t wait until people like you don’t vote anymore

Yes. That is exactly what that post was.

keep punching left....it got you very far this year!

You’re right...the timing was bad. Comey should have brought charges in July when the Democrats could have changed courses.

I’m so pissed that James Comey forced her to set up her own email server, in defiance of the rules.