Ulthari Tomcat

While there are severe problems with discriminatory enforcement (not just of SYG, but laws in general), this is an instance of writing an article without knowing what you’re talking about. Not all SYG laws and policies are the same. In some other states, prosecutors are given discretion to dismiss charges on SYG

Next time you decide to publicly comlain about how you can’t fucking believe how dumb something is, you might want to start by having the faintest clue of what you’re talking about. They’re not using a popularity contest. The method being described is a well-established bit of applied social sciences. You made someone

Mountains out of molehills. She’s just saying she doesn’t know what direction a new showrunner will go in. She’s obviously still in as long as she’s still wanted. It’s just typical “I’m not entitled” actorspeech. You’re really trying too hard to read between the lines.

“English muffins” are quite common in the UK. That’s what “crumpets” are.

No, that was Enterprise (whatever you may think of the show). They explored raw humanity working off some rough edges as they moved towards conflict with the Romulans and the founding of the Federation. Discovery is set in the same time period as TOS, when the mores and values established in TOS were already a thing.

“Herzog and Scharnowski’s model suggests we’re not as conscious as we think we are. If they’re right, it means we’re unconscious for a significant portion of our waking life. But like the gaps between film slides, we’re unaware of these ‘black outs.’”

Lulwut? The core market for ATHF is mid-to-late Gen X, with a sprinkle of early Millennial.

This is amazing. One of my favorite Marvel properties. So good.

No. I think it means that I check the network sporadically. I also presume you can follow notifications like I can. And huh, I didn’t realize holding to the basic standards of evidence based medicine is “bullshit”. Fascinating. Please tell me more.

I don’t see how. It may sound stupid to someone with insufficient education to understand the statement. It may sound stupid when you intentionally twist his words around. It may sound stupid in context of the perceived hypocrisy. But it’s a rather succinctly phrased, thoughtful and well-educated statement taken on

That is the opposite of the truth. Research has disproved such a connection. The correlation is literally psychosomatic. Aspartame is no more likely to trigger migraines than placebo.

Yes. The framing story is an insanely jarring contrast to the Little Prince segments. Also, despite many claims it was a short book and they therefore needed the fill, it was completely unnecessary. The old Little Prince television show makes that abundantly clear.

If only they could bury it and drop a nuke on it somewhere. It’s a travesty. The frame story is grating and awful. This isn’t a Little Prince story. This is a movie about someone into the Little Prince story. And anyone who says that they “needed” to make a frame story because they didn’t have enough to work with

Rule of law != code law. He’s referring to the notion of substantive rule of law (which may be ironic given his wing’s opposition to substantive due process, but it’s not a self-contradiction as expressed).

Code law is not rule of law. As a prominent example, unconstitutional laws are not compliant with rule of law. A private citizen acting within the framework of rule of law can be said to be acting in ways that do not violate the rights of others or the good order of society. Depending on one’s perspective, laws that

You see an incoherence because you’re imposing your value criteria and framework onto his statements. He’s actually quite consistent and coherent. He cares about the good order of society. He believes drugs and sexual minorities being normalized are against the good order of society. He is almost certainly wrong about

Rule of law is not the same as code law. Code law can violate rule of law. As the obvious example, any unconstitutional law is in violation of the rule of law. Acting within the framework of rule of law as a private citizen is acting in ways that fit within a society of good order or do not impinge on the rights of

No, aspartame is not “bad”. That nonsense is more food bunk based on low quality studies. The only way it’s potentially “bad” in any way is if you suffer from phenylketonuria.

I don’t understand how you can think 8, 9, and 10 are useless. Depth warning can be extremely useful in catacombs, undercities, and so on. As for 9, not all undead are immediately obvious. There’s a pile of dead bodies. Are there any zombies or other such nasties waiting to ambush? There’s also invisible and

While you try to imply it is, it’s not a sexist thing at all. It’s a tattoo culture thing. Almost all of the most prominent shops would have provided similar treatment and advice (some more kindly, many much less so) and many more local shops have similar policies. Just as a pragmatic matter, they don’t want to deal