Ulthari Tomcat

What is Jezebel's credulous obsession with Satanic panic and recovered memory cases?

I can clearly see the difference between a personal insult and posting on Jezebel along with a chorus. The former is a direct aggression. The latter is public shaming and an act of social aggression.

I find it personally repulsive. It's freaky to me. I would not want to be friends with anyone involved with that person. That is my preference and right. It's not my right though, in any way, to declare it wrong.

Your language makes it clear that both distaste and moral judgement are involved. Don't BS yourself.

Or it comes from being a country rooted in the American and Scottish Enlightenment and the liberalism they birthed; concepts such as individual sovereignty and the harm principle are deeply rooted in American culture and philosophy.

I'm with you on the first paragraph. I even consider the aversion kind of counterproductive, considering research has shown time and again over decades that "paraphiliacs" and "kinksters" are pretty psychologically OK folks.

Not so much on the second paragraph. Your distaste has nothing to do with a given kink's

What's the chip on your shoulder about the kinks of others?

He's just expressing himself. What happened to safe spaces? Can't you imagine the insufferable horror of waking up every day and BEING HIM?

Oprah is a well-known purveyor of junk science. If you want actual medical and fitness advice, seek out reputable sources instead of fad hawkers.

Reflecting on the situation and responses to it, this whole thing has, disgustingly, become an ideological football. Rape apologists on one side are making big hay of the "crazy bitch" stereotypes, in vile and unfair fashion. Many opposed to rape culture are using the "brave speaking out" narrative and waving away all

I think this glosses over what Allen's supporters regard as a key point: The noteworthy lack of physical evidence (and the accompanying perception of intact virginity). Despite the other ugliness and apologia involved, that seems a massive, valid point.

It could be argued, but only as an irrational appeal to emotion. Even if we presume it makes Allen an ephebophile (which in itself would be incorrect, but let's pretend), it bears no relevance to presuming his guilt. Actually, quite the contrary, ephebophilia and pedophilia are entirely distinct; they are even

Thank goodness she's realized the error of her ways. It was so wrong when she didn't award the vagina trophy to the hero. I just couldn't wrap my fragile little man brain around the concept of personal chemistry and romance. Women are to be won, like an award or gift certificate. I'm happy to see she understands that

Trademark defense. Most of you need to look that up so you actually have the first clue about what is being discussed and then come back. Kotaku, the intellectually dishonest click bait was old already yesterday; cut it out.

Trademark defense. Come back to the discussion when you understand the basics.

OK, so Keira Knightley has now moved from "Fake Feminist" to "Real Feminist" it appears. I'll update my Jezebel Approved Feminist (tm) scorecard. Or should I wait, because it's Doug Berry?

Ever wonder what makes people so gunshy of actually discussing racism or confronting the issues? Here you go. "Let's pitch a fit instead of taking the opportunity to use the event to highlight issues and discuss them in a frank way, because that's obviously healthy and wise." Pure insightful genius, that is.

Small nit: Psychosomatic anxiety symptoms from being enveloped in glycol/glycerin vapor != Symptoms of actual smoke inhalation.

Seriously? A bit too much p. glycol or glycerin fog caused this much panic? Was the entire soundstage filled with clueless idiots that have no understanding of the equipment they're working with? <insert Liz Lemon eyeroll here>