You say that, but have you ever tried to take on a united opposing team alone? Aimbot makes your job easier, but it doesn’t make you unkillable. You’ll have a hard time capturing and holding a point when your team refuses to help you.
You say that, but have you ever tried to take on a united opposing team alone? Aimbot makes your job easier, but it doesn’t make you unkillable. You’ll have a hard time capturing and holding a point when your team refuses to help you.
U just got doxxed pizza hater real name Martin Nostrand address 123 Real Street New York City, Texas 12120 - PS ur dead bitch.
I don’t think Haiti would agree that Hillary Clinton is only a 2 on the cheater scale.
The level of fraud alone Trump is responsible for puts him a league Hillary can’t begin to touch. The only reason he’s not in prison is states, cities and contractors either settled out of court with the stipulation he would not admit fault, or they wrote off the debt he owes them because it would cost more to take…
they’re far closer than you’re giving them credit for
Why not? Human society says ‘fuck ‘em’ to good people who are simply non-conformist in thought or perception or even just in how they handle their personal finances so why not someone who is despicable because of some sort of objectively determined disorder?
Fuck ‘em if they don’t get treatment and follow their doctor’s orders, yes.
I have actually run into players who were running around with the name Trump about 6 months ago and all they did was play Mei...
Do you ever really know? Would they be more accepting of certain so-called flaws if Clinton were a man? Or are they picking because it’s especially egregious that a woman did this-or-that?
1) Working-class whites have been screwed over by, well, everybody for nigh on a half century and are pretty frightened/confused/angry about it
At least Buffet is paying taxes and acknowledges that the tax code is broken.
If it’s any consolation, it’s 40% of the voting population, not the US population. The number of people who are eligible to vote and who actually vote are less than 50% of the total population, I believe, and it’s ~40% of them who are going to vote for Trump.
You don’t know their grandma! Plenty of grandmas are legit horrible people.
I’m not saying I’d vote for the guy but let be realistic: Warren Buffet was paying the same amount of taxes as his secretary.
The same employees he doesn’t pay, our the ones he fires for not being pretty enough. How about the black ones he won’t hire?
The Republican-Independent former mayor of NYC? That’s a stretch.
The stupid will always be (and have always been) with us, in the words of one Jesus H. Christ.
I’ve thought about this; my best guess is: admitting Trump is ever wrong about anything is the equivalent of admitting that “I” was wrong in supporting him. It’s what happens when you identify yourself so strongly with ONE PERSON. Dangerous much?