
Pretty sure any owner of more than 2 sweatshops in China is a 9.
Any operator of massive human slave traffic is a 10.
This is of course if we limit this cheat scale to exploitation for financial gain. This whole scale needs to be more defined. I demand exquisite scales from my internet commentary sections.

So I did a quick and dirty google to get more info on the numbers you suggested and it only confirmed that if the site is right winged then 99% of the Clinton foundations funds goes into fresh virgin blood for Bill. More moderate/mainstream sites seem to say that 80% of their funds go to programs and only 10% seems to

Probably because internet mobs are stupid. Release the name of the cheater he or she might get doxxed, harassed beyond reason-ability ect ect
Heck, internet mobs could do that to people that sort of have the cheaters name.

I am interested in reading the criteria for being placed on this scale. What makes a 2 a 2 and 8.9 a 8.9?

I hate him because nothing in his track record shows even the slight inclination of him ever wanting to change the tax code other than saying “I want to change the tax code”. One does not allow the fox to guard the resting place of chickens because the fox said “ I will not devour these chickens”

Oh my lulz you are correct! I should have used another word instead of abused. Let me change it:
“If our intention is to elect someone who wants to change the tax code so it isn’t used in a way that profits them and not the general population, then it is completely legitimate to criticize and rail in the anus any

I think its undeniable that, at the very least a significant number, of Clinton critics would be more accepting of her legitimate flaws if she was a man. It is much more palpita-ble to have a hawkish male than a female one for example. I’m sure a lot of her economics are hand waved away because “women are bad at

exquisite troll bate right here

Clinton is great if you live in and only care about the United States of America. For the rest of the human population she is a bad choice, regardless of being a better choice than Trump.

No worries, happens. I can see how the elections are a solid sample of the general population, but I would be interested to see how this election fairs in that regard, it being so unconventional.

the accountant got so much street cred for his work with trump, that was the payment of course

If our intention is to elect someone who wants to change the tax code so it isn’t abused, then it is completely legitimate to criticize and rail in the anus any presidential candidate that uses the tax code for financial gain whilst simultaneously saying he is or she is going to fix it.
In the emotional realm that is

Are there any none sexist reasons one could not vote for Hillary Clinton?

How is it sexist to support Bernie Sanders but not Hillary Clinton?

“We have to bring them to heel”

Perhaps you should bring him to heel

The bar might be high for Clinton, but she also has the TRUMP IS RUNNING SO IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT I AM card. Trump is the best thing to have happened to the dems in decades.

it is a shame because a lot of legit criticism gets washed away with the sexism critiques, that are undeniably there

No, but you can bet that she will do her best to bring ISIS to heel

Cant wait till the boomers die!