Because of your name, I’m assuming you’re being intentionally ironic.
Because of your name, I’m assuming you’re being intentionally ironic.
Because the world doesn’t revolve around white people. Because black people are disproportionately the victims of cop shootings. Because too many people believe it isn’t really a problem. Because its the symptom of systemic and institutionalized abuse and racism. Because we’re a first world country where minorities…
We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.
Please don’t let it be Tom Hanks, which was the name that sprung to my mind. I’d die inside.
I usually hate the term “get gud” but cmon man. Stop walking into his hook.
Roadhog actually isn’t used too often in the competitive because any competent team can play around his linear tactics while using the guy as an engine to charge their ults.
Yeah but Bomani is good
*nudge nudge*
To be certain, okay 52 percent goes to the 32 owners of NFL franchises. Now there are 53 roster spots a team. Let’s round up to 9 billion. Divide this 9 billion by 52% and by 32.
Same reason why those smog-producing brotrucks exists.
She can do 120 damage a second... once she’s charged up. Genji can do 200 damage in an instant (Dash, Melee, RMB-headshot, boosted to 300 if Zenyatta is on the other team).
Actually, Winston chasing down Genji is doing his job.
1. Lucio and Zenyatta are the most powerful champions in the game, period. They define the entire meta right now.
Yep I agree with this wholeheartedly...why run Hanzo when McCree is better at Midrange and Widowmaker is better for people who can dragscope to consistent headshots?
It’s because Hanzo hasn’t been used by Pro level players in forever.
That guy who was saying that Genji shouldn’t be able to deflect Bastion’s turret mode needs to just get out right now. Out of everything discussed in this article that was the most ridiculous thing.
My problem with Genji has been with how quickly his ultimate charges and for how long it lasts. He can build a charge so quickly off just roaming the map, hitting people in the back a couple of times and leaving. You can do very well playing a Genji by sneaking behind the team and by hitting a couple of them with your…
The changes they’re making seem okay to me. Personally I don’t think it’ll stop good Genji players from still destroying people and making them go running crying back to Blizz anyway. As the article suggests, learn to counter pick.