not only that but having the sheer absolute luck to break out into the enviroment that even gets you an invite into a woody allen movie is absurd. 0.001% of actors get to work hollywood films.
not only that but having the sheer absolute luck to break out into the enviroment that even gets you an invite into a woody allen movie is absurd. 0.001% of actors get to work hollywood films.
I would absolutely hang out in the playboy mansion with bill cosby. how else would i be able to confront him about his past/present problems? Why not make a couple millions in a Woody Allen movie and get the chance to see if the media hype of him being a creep is real?
ya i mean wat are kourtz even for right?
congrats on not being able to even
Or they could just add an easy mode, then everyone gets to play. It’s not like they are going to force you to play an easy mode, its just there for people who want it.
I just hope they finally implement some sort of easy mode, like the fans have been asking for since day one.
you sound whiter than mayo
Don’t ever talk to anyone on a subway. Easy.
I’m here because I gaut gud
thanks dudebruh, gotgud?
Yeah that’s pretty absurd. I was making a joke about the argument that people use to defend any Souls/BB game. This is clearly a badly designed thing. But i’m sure someone out there will earnestly defend it as a purposely designed experience while they whack off to difficulty manuals or whatever literature they…
I cant enjoy BloodBorne now that I know someone is beating it and having fun while doing it in an easier fashion.
its not moronic design, its the best type of design feature in the game. its a game that is suppose to be hard and frustrating, so the co op is frustrating and hard. Its an intended feature. If you want easy to match co op games there are hundreds of games for you, go play them, BloodBorne and Souls are perfect in…
its a design choice. the game is suppose to be hard and frustating so they made the co op frustrating for no reason. i hope they patch it to make it even harder and convaluted to join up. and i hope they increase the loading times by a factor of three, so all the casuals can leave my single player game alone. git gud
and since you dont like it no one else can have it ! specially in a game that doesnt force you to play co op....
You dont play with friends...but they have a friends can play with you option... please tell me how making the process frustrating as hell is a design decision that adds to the theme of frustration and hopelessness in the game. I hope they patch it so its even harder to play with friends and they triple the loading…
git gud
It is not a flaw, its a design feature. The game is about frustration, hardship and not having an easy time. Its so meta they designed matchmaking this way, I hope they patch it to make it harder to get with friends and make the load times longer.
It is an intended design feature. The game is about teaching you things via frustration and hardship. I hope they patch it so its even harder to play co op.