
But then that would interfere with the vision of the creator of the game. This game is about frustration, its amazingly meta that they applied this developer philosophy to every aspect of the game. Not being able to easily play co op is a design feature and they shoudnt change it. The same thing with long loading

Or maybe people have been missing his point because most people are really stupid and lack reading comprehension skills?

ah , elitism, the cornerstone of any decent online gaming community

It has been hilarious to read all your comments and responses. Seriously, where is the reading comprehension in this thread >_>

He isnt talking about it being a bad service or not worth it....

It is a trojan horse because under the guise of ‘free’ games you pay for a service that used to be free. More bait and switch really, but trojan horse applies. Also, if you have to pay for something it isnt free, no matter if its being bundled into a service.

The downside is it used to be free now it isn’t. He is being very clear. In every single way....

I mean, I guess if you don’t address things your side of the argument might seem stronger to you.

Sony and Microsoft won. We the consumers/gamers/players/users/whatever lost. That is his point, its very clear and you keep dodging it like you hold stocks for Sony or something.

Incredibly dumb usually goes hand in hand with neglect tho...

I mean, you keep bringing the IP as if I brought it up or as a refute to the concept of an easy mode that wouldn't affect you in the slightest because you aren't forced to play it; its not an argument or a reason against this concept. It is just you plugging your ears and chanting.

And you can keep stomping around in a fit about developers intent, not the game for you, git gud, you dont get it all day without acknowledging that an alternate game mode that wouldn't affect your preferred method and style of game is viable, that the only reason its conceptually held back is this sense of elitism.

Man, my uncle works for Hidetaka Miyazake and he knows that the next Bloodborne/Souls type game Hide is gonna develop will be the hardest thing in the universe for fans of the series. Its going to be a Easy Mode only game, where the extreme frustration and betrayal felt by the core fan of the series will be

It seems I have to repeat myself.
''But lets take this insane argument and roll with it. I'm sure that the fictitious special forzes doodz you made the fuck up who love running in the tough mudder(?) so they say they can done did it would have zero problem with some other special force dude running a not so tough

''Everything except the plot and dialogue were pretty great''

lol never happening

Hold up, are you comparing special forces guys to playing a video game? Or that an optional easy mode in Bloodborne would somehow diminish the sacrifice special forced doodz did gone do to get gud and kill osamazes? But lets take this insane argument and roll with it. I'm sure that the fictitious special forzes doodz

None of what you wrote addresses anything even vaguely related to the fact that you could keep playing the game you like without any changes and no one would force you to play in a optional easy mode. But I will pass on your concerns about redeveloping every game in existence for 5 year olds to all my developer

Did you build your house?

The ring is fine and I agree. I even said its the only thing I agree with. The idea that Making certain elements overpowered = In-depth and complex difficulty management system is referring to the suggestion that I have to play a certain class, a certain way to change the difficulty mode. I have to exploit bad pathing