
Yeah but it creates a wall that players feel is unfair to climb. For those players you could remove that frustration and then they get to enjoy the game. Most people dont like dying 20 or 50 times in 1 boss encounter just to get the time/experience/pattern recognition to beat it. Implementing a mode like I suggested

Yeah I could play other games but that isn't what this conversation is about. It is irrelevant to the implementation of an alternate game mode.

It has been brought up that grinding mobs in souls and bloodborne isnt really a way to curve the difficulty in any significant way. You would need to implement an alternate

Yeah but maybe if you had more time (hitpoints) to learn the enemies pattern and if you didn't get punished as badly for not executing moves well/food/perfectly (take less damage from enemy) then maybe you could do better in the game. Because you aren't comfortable for whatever reason with the perceived difficulty .

Jesus, you don't need to restructure the whole game to make it less difficult or to include a easy mode game. You just make the punishment for dying waaay less or just make it waaay harder to die in the first place. Thats it. Keep everything else that makes this "puzzle" game good for you. Also, if the difficulty is

The only valid argument in that video is about the ring that lets you keep the souls you would have lost. Everything else is bullshit. I have to pick a class that exploits bad pathing to play in 'easy mode' ? I can't play as melee to have a good time ? Making certain elements overpowered = In-depth and complex

" so why would you deny this one franchise from the people who enjoy it?"

Case in point! Thank you!

So please, explain how the game would be worse for you if it stayed completely the same, but added a completely optional easier mode that you would never play?

And yet you have a series like Fire Emblem that decided in its last release to make a key part of the gameplay optional (permadeath). And guess what? The game was still super enjoyable to the fanbase, loyal to its core gameplay and world. The same can be done for Souls/Bloodborne if the fan base wasnt composed of

Except that adding an easier mode of play without altering your preferred difficulty setting would not alter your enjoyment of the game in any way, but would make it more accessible to people.

This basically translates to :"Oh nooooo, other people who previously coudnt enjoy this game and gameworld are now doing it, so now I CANT ENJOY IT."

That world building has nothing to do with the difficulty tho. Difficulty is a subjective thing, what is hard for one is easier for others ect. Difficulty doesnt make reading item descriptions, snippets of dialogue with NPCs, enviromental design and atmosphere. You can have all these things, all the awesome lore


An easy mode would totally work for this game. People who don't want it just need that sense of superiority over "casual" games and gamers. In no way does making the game more accesible to others in an optional fashion reduce from your enjoyment of harder or "true" difficulty unless you let it get to you. Unless you

And you just exemplified the type of mentality I loathe in video games. I love Bloodborne's style and setting, but I'm not going to pay money and invest time in something I know I won't enjoy.

I mean, feminism and homemaker aren't incompatible.

Until it becomes illegal not to tip this shit will continue. End of story. Or you know, restaurants start charging more and paying their employees more. Tips are just a bullshit way of morally passing the cost to the consumer. Make the consumer an asshole for not paying the actual cost of service, instead of the owner

The evil thing is that having a shitty hourly wage doesn't make tips obligatory. In the most horrible of ways this asshole is right, no one is forced to leave a tip. You do it because the service is good and because you understand the economics of working as a waiter, not because you are forced to. It isn't a right.

Yeah, I'd love it if Microsoft and Sony stopped including the power adapter for their consoles. Hell, I hate it when Tvs include power adapters and HDMI cables, what do they want me to do, use the product as intended? Shiiiiet. Or why dont we just sell

If you have a drawer full of useless cables recycle them. Or you

Well, I guess it does save Nintendo money, hell it makes money for them, they ain't gonna sell the adapter alone at a loss. Its a huge inconvenience and a bad business practice. Its not the end of the world, this thing will still sell, but its an absurd move to defend or belittle the practice. I can not think of