
I think if you spend 200$ on a hand held you shouldn't have to waste time shopping around or going to craigslist or purchasing 3rd party solutions to obtain something that is necessary to use said hand held. It is not about being lazy, its about denouncing sleazy business practices before they become common practice.

I am not complaining about spending money on a charger that should be included. You can ignore people telling you they would buy the n3DS at a higher price than 199$ if it included the adapter. You can even ignore people telling you it has nothing to do with the price of the charger sold as a stand alone product . But

Yes I am.

It is absolutely arrogant to defend the removal of an essential component for the function of a device, sell it separate at a profit and then tell consumers to: 1) stop complaining and 2) inconvenience themselves financially + time wise. You are basically saying its fine to nickle and dime people and that a persons

I'm sorry, I'm not sure where the figure of 20 million unused AC adapters comes from. But lets assume that is correct, are these unused AC adapters from previous, old 3DS customers? People who, if they buy a new 3DS would use their old AC adapters? Or is it just 20 million people who have a 3ds, an adapter, and don't

Why force the consumer to do that? Could have easily been avoided.
Also, if the assumption is that people who already own a 3DS will upgrade and use their old adapters, how will the second hand market have any supply. You'd have to be an idiot to sell your old DS with the adapter just to have to go out and buy another

I don't own a 3DS. So if I buy this and the AC adapter happens to be sold out in the retail store where I buy my new 3DS I'm screwed. Because lets be cereal here, no brick and mortar shop is going to pack equal amounts of new 3DS and seperate AC adapter plugs that sell way less. So now I get 1 day with my new 3DS and