
Could not happen to a better guy.

How's this sound: before you can call someone a dick because of something he tweeted in the heat of a moment, you must first prove to the world beyond the shadow of a doubt that you never, ever have even thought about expressing a dick attitude like this in the heat of a moment.

I actually quite like this. I'd never let myself be seen driving it, but I find this appealing.

BLUE AND BLACK. There's a second photo! Note the real white dress next to it!

Me too. Watched every bloody episode of that show since 2008. Late night tv sucks now.

Now playing

Yeah, if you want top notch Morgan Freeman impressions the only true choice is Josh Robert Thompson. 100% Morgan Freeman approved.

Beautiful game. A fun physics engine. And a surprising amount of entertainment to be found in squishing the various villagers. My contraptions fail constantly, but I've yet to get annoyed by it. And that's rare.

Sounds like the military has been consulting with Dale Brown.

Well, I never would have heard about them were it not for this article. So... job well done?

This is a pretty good list. Minus the Blair Witch. Nothing scary about a walking in the dark simulator.

I woulda called it the other way round. Pass int on the first and nothing on the second. That's terrible calling by the refs.

Until you're dropping 10K to pick up the Vesaro I Evolve Extreme you're probably okay on the addiction front.

It's a nice extension. Followed the directions for setting up HTML5 playback, but I'll be buggered if I can get it to work. Only affects two of the features so I'm not too bothered, but it would be nice to not have to use Silverlight any more.

Young men with legions of underage teenage fans, whose celebrity is based on socially interacting with them. It's surprising there aren't more stories like this. Some of those channels are like a cult with their followings. It's disturbing.

The most recent one, Jason @Veeoneye, put out a video blaming his parents for not teaching him plying underage girls with alcohol for the purpose of having sex is wrong. Excuses for everyone!

Operation Jericho was extremely gutsy, but it was also essentially a failure. Of the 700+ prisoners only around 85 managed to escape. 100 or so were killed in the bombing, and the rest were either injured or recaptured after breaking out. Impressive flying and bombing on the part of the Mosquito pilots though.

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I came to mention Operation Jericho, but you beat me to it.

Ah. Well, you clearly shouldn't have been brought out of the greys.