
Actually you get "on board" the plane. You ride in the plane. Then you get off the plane.

Now playing

That's not the best song about Kansas City. This is.

Doesn't help you've also go the second season of Shark Hunters starting up at the same time. Yay... glorifying shark hunting! Ugh.

Yep. Openly anti-feminist. Wrote a book in the 90s about the topic that nearly resulted in his writing career coming to an end. Describes himself as "egalitarian" *snort*

"Hasten the day. Top Gear has got a lot to answer for but one of its leading offences . You can get away with politics or business at a dinner party (subjects that used to be forbidden in what was known as polite company). You might even be tolerated for five minutes with a strained smile if you bring up the subject

A VP at IBM is reaaaally unhappy with these tweets and articles. He replied to the DailyDot article:

Mostly meet up with the various Youtubers they are fans of.

They expected to sell 10,000. They sold 3,600. Which is why they tried to add a livestream last minute that they'd charge for.

More accurate:

Ah, I read too fast. Missed that line.

The GM of the bar was fired yesterday.

Oklahoma's southern sister.

Breakfast is far too early in the day to be eaten. I'd much rather sleep in and be lunch.

It's the double decker tacos for me.

I don't think you understand the terminology. If features have yet to be implemented then it's pre-alpha. Once all the features are in it goes to alpha where they complete the code. There is no stage called "pre-beta". Pre-beta is Alpha.

Exactly what I was thinking.

As a cleaning kit it's quite nice. As a repair kit it it's a bit lacking. Plus it costs a bit less to just send the 360 in to MS to get repaired.

Forget the soldering tools. Where's the hammer?

The 11:30 delivery time is absurd. Unless it's a rural route where you're driving a hundred miles or so each night there's no excuse for the lateness. As for throwing it over the car, that's S.O.P. Most Sunday papers don't fit in paper boxes cause of ad inflation. Hell, you're usually happy if you throw em and they

Translate did all right. Article says the blame is on the car driver as they ran the light. Apparently it's a special crossing, and the car failed to follow the traffic light.