
I really enjoyed it. I would suggest look for a single play settings guide though as the default settings aren’t ideal for the single player experience.

“In My Games, All Women Are Whores

Good ol’ Thomas Midgley. Went from bringing us TEL to Freon. Covered us in lead and then punched a hole in our atmosphere. He left the world strangled in a device of his own invention that went wrong never knowing the environmental disaster his work created. 

It’s perfect! ...Except for price, hardware specs, and battery. Also, what are secondary computer needs? 

Yeah, those seem to be the special ones. Everything else is getting cloud streamed to us as we fly over it procedurally

This looks great, but it’s their Task Force Admiral that I’m really excited for. Haven’t really enjoyed a PTO based game since well... P.T.O. on the SNES. 

Couple dozen. Another 20-30 support the DLSS stuff. 

Yeah, just by the name I’d have suspected nothing. I mean, one launcher is called Lawnchair, and it’s legit. Apps have dumb names. That’s why these scammy ones succeed. 

You were never gonna get much story from a 20 minute public vr experience. It’s just not enough time.

“Some of the deadliest tornadoes occur in the Southeast, but storm chasers don’t visit this region to serve as eyewitnesses as they do in the Great Plains”

Never gonna get over the irony of holiday = godless. 

No. They corrected their own mistake. It wasn’t done as a favor to anyone. Nothing is owed to them for it. And the movie still doesn’t look good. 

They fixed the character but the writing is still awful. 

This is just an ad for Reelgood

Turns out, no one can actually force you to do anything. 

Y’all gave up arguing and just people this in a random order didn’t you

Normally you’re supposed to cut off your nose to spite your face

Yandy Fashion Lineup 2019

It’s the same. There was a suit last year over Hula dances where the choreographer won. 

First, we’re not in disagreement. You said essentially what I did. However, it’s not as simple as that. He’d also have to prove originality of the moves used. You can’t just throw together generic dance moves and call it an original creation. And even if he wins he’s not likely to get much money. He hasn’t lost money