“This white dude with dreads is definitive proof that Avatar isn’t a Dances with Wolves ripoff!”
“This white dude with dreads is definitive proof that Avatar isn’t a Dances with Wolves ripoff!”
I mean my criticism of the first movie was that the story was was so bland I’d forgotten most of the plot before I’d even left the cinema . Looked great in 3D though.
Yeah, haters. If a sequel retroactively gives the first movie slightly more depth 13 years later, then all of your accurate criticisms of the original were just short-term thinking. You morons. You absolute dumb bastards.
“December has provided James Cameron with the unexpected boon of invoking Avatar in the same conversations as Star Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awakens, if only to remind everyone that his Dances With Wolves companion piece still holds the record for highest-grossing film of all time.”
I love that at the same time AV Club published this PR piece going to bat for Avatar 2, Gizmodo was publishing an analysis that tears down pretty much every argument in the article above.
Yeah, I also thought it was weird that the counterpoint to “Dances With Wolves” in space was Edgar Rice Burroughs. Like, literally the only things ERB did of any note whatsoever were a “going native” narrative and a “white savior” narrative.
I would really like to know cleanly and clearly one way or another if any money exchanged hands to lead to these articles as my goodness this reads like a shill piece.
Yeah arguing that it’s not a white savior movie because it’s not based on a 30 year old white savior movie but even older white savior material is not the winning argument that Luke seems to think it is.
Yeah I feel like my eyes might be drier now a year and a half out from Lasik, but it’s also possible I’m just noticing it more. Working on a computer all day isn’t great for your eyes even if you’re wearing glasses. In any case needing to put in some eye drops sometimes, while it does reduce the convenience benefit…
I do think reputation/credibility matters. There are so many discount shops out there advertising $299 AN EYE! or some such nonsense. When I shopped around, it was to actual doctors offices and eye institutes associated with the three major medical centers in my region. I’m amazed at the number of people who trust…
It was absolutely life-changing for me. My eyes stopped tolerating contacts well when I was about 26 years old. I couldn’t wear them for more than an hour before my eyes went red and burned like fire. I had to go back to glasses, which was really difficult as a full time coach who spent hours a day in the gym.
LASIK eye surgery is known for being a quick, convenient medical procedure—and sometimes it is.
I realize it’s your choice, but having done it, I can tell you, it’s so worth it.
The risks are massively low, for one thing, especially with reputable practitioners, and for another thing, the relief from especially poor vision can be quite the life-changer.
I am just over 3 years from my LASIK. I had bad astigmatism. I am now 20/15 and have no issues.
Progressive people don’t eat food, apparently. Their saintly nature allows them to exist as breatharians!
Then don’t read it. Stop blaming other people for you insistence on annoying yourself.
In the time it took you to write this, you could’ve just accepted that some people like something you don’t like.
“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful
Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.