Nope, never happens. Never ever happens.…
but they are very haiku-like,
Seems to me this kind of thing can be avoided quite easily. Stop having the national anthem performed at sporting events. It's never made sense to have it done at them anyway. It's not an easy song to perform, most people don't know the words, and while patriotic, it's a bit bleh as a song. If needs must just play a…
It's not. Notch killed it.
Chrome controls their market fairly rigidly and won't allow mediahint for some reason so you have to go to and install the extension manually.
Hola was one of the extensions that got sold to an adware company. I'd suggest using MediaHint instead for those wanting to access BBC Two.
First time I saw this it weirded me out. It truly is epic. I'm also partial to his appearance on the Muppet Show
You're a superstar.
Weather people all morning: "They're going to have to delay the game."
Doctors can refuse on ethical grounds. The police would then have to get a court order to force the doctor to do the procedure. Doctors are not obligated by the warrants themselves. The warrants just give the police the permission to have it done.
The game has an awesome 70s action film feel, and identifying all of the pop culture references as you type them out is probably my favorite part. Four candles!
I bought Peggle from Popcap. I bought it on Steam. I bought it on two different phones. I bought Nights. I even played it in WoW. Now a sequel is finally coming out, and it's for a system I won't own? At least it won't be f2p? Maybe?
Nor the first line where he linked to a Futurama clip :P
Panama is going to be starting up a Kickstarter to raise funds to update the canals. The countries who pledge money at the top tier level get a free Mig as a perk.
From the NBC article: