What's the big deal. It's just a historical flag that has no relevance in this day and age...
1. Not a tornado. Supposedly she was on 22 while filming that and the tornado ran a parallel path north of that. Never came close to her. Far more likely it was a microburst.
A couple countries had rudimentary color cameras, but these were likely hand tinted to make them more vibrant.
I do the same. Such a handy itch canceler.
The article where I found them is here.
I love when these types of photos pop up. Several years ago some WW1 shots made the rounds that were stunning. Passchendaele - Hell on Earth.
Argument goes both ways. If you do nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about. Similarly, if you're doing nothing wrong then there's no reason to collect the information in the first place. And since the rights of the individual are guaranteed it's the latter argument that should hold precedence.
He's not wrong. There's an invisible barrier placed across the finish line that detects doped riders. If the first person to cross doesn't have doped blood it acts as a wall and prevents them from crossing.
That beginning bit perfectly describes how I feel when I play Minecraft. I spend a couple hours designing a nice little thing, and then I look over and there's a monstrously large creation that makes what I made look like utter garbage.
You can play Rigs of Rods right now. It's a soft body physics sim. The new CryEngine is going to feature soft body physics as well.
For a shared hosting service this is a pretty damn good deal. I've used Dreamhost in the past, and it's quite good for the price. Especially this price.
For a shared hosting service this is a pretty damn good deal. I've used Dreamhost in the past, and it's quite good…
Still looks fantastic, but I think I might be more excited about Tug. It's close though.
Here's a chart of the last 60 years or so. These are all the EF-3s to EF-5s.
How about Matekane Air Strip? Used primarily by charities to send supplies since it's so remote. Also... it's a bit scary.
I don't know about their insurance situation. It is possible for chasers to be insured, but it's understandably not easy to arrange. I would assume that as they were an actual organization rather than just a group of hobbyists they had insurance of some form. In theory, the risk to chasers following proper safety…
Bits of all four actually. The problem is that it's becoming more mainstream and there are no training courses, certifications, or any set professional standards for chasing storms. And since anyone can access in depth radar and other weather info through apps on their phones, just about anyone can get in their car…
Well, it'll give our fast attack subs something to do. I imagine tracking Chinese subs isn't as fun.
Those damn weak videogaming young adults. They should be home watching television instead!
Video posts should come with a dubstep warning. Fantastic video otherwise.