Agreed. Further point, the article text being off-center is setting off the OCD.
Agreed. Further point, the article text being off-center is setting off the OCD.
Astragon is really to blame for those awful sims. EP just published them for Astragon. Oddly enough, those sim games aren't even the worst thing Astragon created. Their worst game has to be Nipplegate. In that game you overlook a runway for a fashion show, and you're responsible for clicking the body parts of the…
Donkey Kong Country. Even the people who didn't like the games still thought it was beautiful.
Employees were gone for the night, but the towns volunteer fire dept. was on scene when it exploded.
Video has it being the mother and her newborn as well as a 17 year old boy. Makes it sound like the teen wasn't with the others.
I'm thinking it's ideal for sim games. I want to see support for this for Euro Truck Sim 3!
They've actually got 8 items up for April 1. I'm partial to the chest burster in a can.
They took out a bridge last night in Dallas, and I didn't get to go watch. Didn't even know it was happening till I heard the distant boom. So unfair.
Me too! And without looking towards where I'm pointing as well.
How about a trip originating in Mongolia with the challenge of discovering the resting place of Ghengis Khan.
I second this idea. A China/Russia trip would be epic, and who doesn't love a crap communist built car?
The only time I've encountered "too much caffeine" was the one time I mistakenly thought it would be a good idea to take a bunch of Vivarin two-thirds of the way through a 12 hour drive.
Morningside Recovery... the place that was shut down last year when it was deemed a "risk to the health and well-being of the community." Yeah, cause they're going to be a reliable source of anything.
Comparing micro-transactions to arcades. Interesting choice. Just how are those arcades doing right now?
Popeman! With holy water and Jesus discs!
I'm thinking it was more the cursing and whatnot. Not exactly good PR, and considering he was on the job, and I'm sure the company has guidelines about who is allowed to represent the company in media settings.
PC people had to deal with being told over and over again how PC gaming was dead. In exchange it was agreed that they get to be elitist jerks about their hardware.
Wait, the University of Phoenix is real?
Tangentially related... the best cover of Paint It Black belongs to the Vitamin String Quartet